Monday, November 25, 2019

Catch-22 log essays

Catch-22 log essays Yossarian He is the protagonist of Catch-22. Dunbar Yossarian's friend and roommate when the novel opens The Chaplain a religious man who comes to visit Yossarian in the hospital Nurse Duckett Doesn't appear to have a significant role, except that of Yossarian's nurse The Texan A man so nice that everyone hates him Soldier in white A completely bandaged man who is in the same ward as Yossarian Lieutenant Nately Yossarian's commanding officer The novel opens in a hospital ward with Yossarian meeting the chaplain. Yossarian seems to enjoy confusing the chaplain and causing him trouble although he "fell madly in love with him" (15) We meet a few other characters, none too significant at this point. The first piece of irony is seen in this chapter in the Texan. He is so nice that everyone hates him. The soldier in white poses an element of mystery thus far in the novel. He is intriguing to the other characters because he is all bandaged. They ponder whether or not he is alive. We are also introduced to the first setting of the novel; Pianosa which is to be a small island in the Mediterranean Sea. C.I.D. Man His name is only mentioned once and is thus far insignificant Clevinger A fellow officer in Yossarian's squadron Milo Assumed to be in charge of the mess hall Yossarian is out of the hospital and is arguing with Clevinger about how everyone is out to kill him The new characters are mainly other pilots in the military with Yossarian. Ferrara and the Great Big Siege of Bologna are two events mentioned with no description This chapter holds the first introduction to the idea of insanity. Yossarian feels that everyone else is crazy, everyone hates him and is trying to kill him as well. Sergeant Towser Only mentioned very briefly, no apparent significance Major Major Squadron commander who resembles Hen...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Relationship between Shapes, i.e. line towards Wellbeing Essay

Relationship between Shapes, i.e. line towards Wellbeing - Essay Example Minds have shape and so do emotions and these two unseen parts of human being are themselves shaped by knowledge and experience so that it makes sense to ponder that while shapes widely exist in several regions of the earth and universe, it would bear less to acknowledge them apart from the essence of relations. In the field of art, shape proves to be an essential component that constitutes any piece of creation with a defined boundary. Its non-static property allows it to establish dynamic and flexible connection with other visual elements such as lines, curves, texture, and color (Definition of Shape – Art History Glossary). If not, how is it possible to imagine random lines or figures spread in space toward shapeless construction? Whether something is identified as regular or irregular, there certainly is a sensible ground of opting to view and feel what proceeds as definite rather than to dwell at the sight and thought of absence in dimensions which is as good as non-existence. Dealing with shapes means evolving with them in several aspects of life for they embody both the origin and shadow of form in everything at all times. Mathematicians have been able to synthesize concepts through Euclidian geometry, discovery of conic sections, and other relevant areas which to this point are of huge advantage due to man’s fundamental learning of shapes. Likewise, it has sparked the interest of humanity to examine graphical theories in order to grasp the symmetry and orientations that extend their significance to musical dimension where the shape of rhythm is comparable to a curvilinear flow that sculpts and refines manner of appreciative listening. Thinkers and composers can be naturally observed to have become unified by virtue of artistry in the process of shaping symphonic orchestration, literary endeavor of writing

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Hobbes and Morality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Hobbes and Morality - Essay Example 13, p. 84). The conditions that Hobbes outlined and feared in the state of nature had profound implications for his conceptualization of morality and what defined an individual as an equal to his or her fellow human being both in terms of morality and in rational self-interest. The overriding principle in the state of nature is that man is inherently and perpetually condemned to a fate where his life is subject to a violent and brutish death or injury at the hands of others. Hobbes first defined man as being relatively equal in faculties to one another, in physical and mental abilities, and when there are such advantages of one holds over another in either physical strength or intellectual prowess, the threat of harm is always prevalent, so that any such advantages or disadvantages are not considerable enough to negate such threats of harm. Even if there is a more skilled warrior in the area, he or she is still subject to a violent death insomuch that others could band together to nullify such a threat (Leviathan, ch. 13, p. 82). It is because of this equal threat is how Hobbes is then able to define what his terms of morality are in the state of nature. With an individual existing in the state of nature that is conditionally the state of war with every man against every man, and life al... An individual has the moral authority to kill, maim or otherwise thwart another individual should they be deemed a threat to one's life and being. This also had prolific implications for actions themselves. One's actions to preserve their own well being are either amoral, or completely void of being judged right or wrong, or that such actions are morally defensible because the ultimate value and aim is that one's life ought to be defended at all costs and through any and all means disposable. Hobbes directly wrote, "to this war of every man against every also consequent that nothing can be unjust," (Leviathan, ch. 13, 85). The social contract and civil government Hobbes declared removed man from the state of nature and perpetual warfare into a civil society where the governing authority is charged with the responsibility of the preservation of domestic peace. In exchange for this protection of life, the subjects in this civil society must sacrifice their absolute freedom as they held in the state of nature in order to ensure that the war of every man against every man no longer exists. Hobbes directly argued that "a man be willing, when others are tooto lay down his rights to all things, and would be contented with so much liberty against other men as he would allow other men against himself," (Leviathan, ch. 14, p. 87). The civil society is a voluntary contract where all citizens agree to what they are to compromise in terms of absolute freedom in order to have the right of life protected under a rule of law. Individuals are also equal in this respect that they rationally enter into such a social cont ract voluntarily and willing compromise whatever natural freedoms

Monday, November 18, 2019

Annotated bibliography of four readings Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Annotated bibliography of four readings - Essay Example This article has also explored to what extent the team members can be expected to internalize the normative demands of the company. Findlay et al. have reviewed contemporary psychological research on the subject in their study and have expressed reservations on the common notion that â€Å"teamwork†¦(is).. a vehicle for regulating individualism† (1553). This article also expresses the opinion that both psychological and critical literature on teamwork in an organization, though seemingly arrive at the same conclusions, â€Å"have a tendency to overstate the extent of normative integration and underplay the complexity of its characteristics† (Findlay et al., 1554). The notion that self-governance and increased responsibility are coercive is refuted here. The contradiction in the inferences made by psychological and critical research is emphasized. It is pointed out that while psychological research expects improved performance in teamwork to arise from collectivizat ion, the critical research expects the same to happen out of coercion (Findlay et al., 1553). The findings of this study suggest that majority of the respondents thought teamwork was introduced in the company to enhance the technical convenience rather than to enhance normative integration, performance and output. ... The research revealed a gap between the values promoted through teamwork and its practice. This study is directly relevant for the proposed research because it examines why do many managers prefer that their employees work in teams, and also whether this necessarily deliver the workplace outcomes that these managers envisage. The strength of this study lies in the exhaustive interviews taken by giving representation to managers, team leaders, team members and union representatives, and the extensive data collected out of them. This lends a great amount of authenticity and validity to the research. The use of two groups to validate the data is another aspect that imparts credibility to this research. The weakness in the methodology of this study is that the dominant members in each group might have influenced the discussion that happens in the groups. Secondly, the sample of this study is limited but even then the study attempts to refute most of the mainstream and conventional resear ch that has happened in the same field. In an overall analysis, this study can be accepted with some reservations but is important because it calls for a change in preconceived ideas on teamwork and future research. Kirkman, B.L., Jones, R.G. and Shapiro, D.L., Why Do Employees Resist Teams? Examining the Resistance Barrier to Work Team Effectiveness, The International Journal of Conflict Management, Vol.11, No.1 (2000): p.74-92.Print. Explores why resistance on the part of employees has accompanied the increase in the use of teamwork in organizations. The inference arrived at, is that this is caused by issues of trust and low tolerance of faith. This study

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Composition of Minerals in Soil Related with Date Fruits

Composition of Minerals in Soil Related with Date Fruits Research Proposal Topic Study the Composition of Minerals in Soil Related with Date Fruits using AAS. Introduction Generally, plants require optimum mineral nutrients from the soil other than water, sunlight and carbon dioxide. Mineral is a crystalline solid of inorganic element. It has their own characteristic on physical properties such as crystalline structure, hardness, density, flammability, and color with certain chemical composition that form by natural processes. Mineral nutrients can be classified into two types of nutrients which are micronutrients and macronutrients. Essential mineral composition with sufficient quantity is important in a plant as it affect the plant productivity or fruit quality. Plants also not grow well if one or more elements are present in too large quantity which can be toxicity to the plant. This shows that the levels of elements must in balance with other nutrients. These nutrients perform a variety of functions in plants especially in the structural components of cell. Date palm or Phoenix dactylifera will involve in this research for the study of the minerals in soils and date fruits. Date palms need the specific composition of minerals in soils in order to produce fruits. Soil of plant analysis is useful for estimating trace element availability and determining the specific type of mineral presence in the soil which can prevent the deficiencies of fruit production. Determination of the minerals in fruit is important in order to study the correlation between the minerals in soils from date palm with date fruits using atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). Literature Review Minerals A mineral is a natural inorganic solid with a definite chemical composition such as K, Ca, Mg and Na. It is inorganic crystalline solid that has the crystal structure of long ranged order of atomic arrangement. Minerals are divided into groups based on their chemical composition with different chemical features of each groups. Characteristics and Properties Minerals can be known by their characteristics such as crystalline structure, inorganic elements, form by natural process, has particular chemical composition and specific physical properties. Minerals are crystalline solids that the atoms are arranged in repeating pattern. Mineral also comes from the organic substances which involved proteins, carbohydrates, and oils.Besides, minerals also commonly come from the inorganic compound (Geoscience News and Information, 11 November 2014). Minerals form by natural processes occurs in or on Earth. A diamond is a example of mineral that created in Earth’s crust. About 98.5% of Earth’s crust is made up of only eight elements which are oxygen, silicon, aluminum, iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, and magnesium. These are the elements that can form different types of chemical compounds of minerals and each mineral has a specific chemical composition and chemical formula. For example, quartz is the combination of two oxygen atoms bonded to a silicon atom, SiO2 (Geoscience News and Information, 11 November 2014). Minerals also presence in hard type of mineral like a diamond as it is from by strong covalent bond of carbon. Then, softer mineral also exist which contains calcium and oxygen along with carbon which is calcite. The structure of calcite shows the relationship of calcium (Ca), carbon (C) and oxygen (O).In other aspect, the physical properties of minerals include the differentiation in the mineral’s color, the color of the powder of mineral (streak), the light reflection of mineral’s surface (luster), the specific gravity, tendency to break the flat surfaces (cleavage), the mineral breaks pattern (fracture) and the hardness (Geoscience News and Information, 11 November 2014). 2.1.2Mineral Groups Minerals can be classified into groups depend on their chemical composition. Silicates are the largest mineral group exists on Earth. Silicate minerals are the first group which has silica tetrahedron compound as the basic structure. Silica tetrahedron is the combination of one silicon atom bonds to four oxygen atoms. The common examples of silicate minerals are feldspar and quartz. Both of them are rock-forming minerals. The variety of silicate minerals can be form pyramid-shaped structure is bound to other elements, such as calcium, iron, and magnesium. Silica tetrahedrons also can combine together in six different ways to produce different types of silicates (Scientific Classifications of Mineral Groups, 11 November 2014). Native elements contain atoms of one type of element. Only a few types of minerals are found in this group. The minerals in native elements group are rarely to have and very valuable. Gold, silver, sulfur, and diamond are examples of minerals in native elements group. Next is carbonates mineral group. The carbonate structure form from one carbon atom bonded to three oxygen atoms. Carbonates also include other additional elements such as calcium, iron, and copper. For example, calcite (CaCO3) which is the most common carbonate mineral (Scientific Classifications of Mineral Groups, 11 November 2014). Halide minerals are salts that form when salt water evaporates which is involving a halogen bonded with a metallic atom. Halite is an example of halide mineral. The chemical elements in halogen group are fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine. While fluorite is a halide containing calcium and fluorine. Next, oxides contain one or two metal elements combined with oxygen. Most metals are found as oxides. For example, hematite (Fe2O3) which is form by two iron atoms combined with three oxygen atoms and magnetite (Fe3O4) is produced when three iron atoms combined with four oxygen atoms. Magnetite is one of the magnetic mineral and attraction of magnets can be made by this magnetite minerals. Both are the examples of iron oxides. (Scientific Classifications of Mineral Groups, 11 November 2014). Phosphate minerals are same in pattern of structure of atom in the silicate minerals. Phosphorus, arsenic or vanadium bond to oxygen to form tetrahedral in this type of phosphate minerals. There are many different minerals exist in the phosphate group but they very rarely to meet. Turquoise is an example of a phosphate mineral which consist of copper, aluminum, and phosphorus. Next, sulfate minerals contain sulfur atoms bonded to oxygen atoms. The sulfate group also may consist of many different minerals but it is not commonly known. Then, sulfides are formed when metallic elements combine with sulfur. Sulfides are slightly different from sulfate as it do not contain oxygen. Pyrite, or iron sulfide is a common example of sulfide mineral (Scientific Classifications of Mineral Groups, 11 November 2014). Minerals in the Soils of Date Palm Phoenix dactylifera has the long productivity period and did multiple purpose qualities. It is one of the old types of fruit tree and the first country of the top ten producers is Egypt. Date fruits production are commonly depend on pollination, fertilization, and water relations (Iqbal et al., 2004). Most of the date palms produced in Egypt are grown in sandy, loam and sandy loam soils. The presence of certain types of element such as N, P, K, Mg and B may cause the soils become deficient. It has also been recorded that large amounts of macro and microelements are produce high amount of date fruita for every single year. It shows that the best source of organic matter comes from the macro and micro-minerals especially in producing fruit. Application of organic fertilizers was found to enhance as well as to increase the structural stability and lowered bulk density of the soil. It improved moisture retention, water infiltration rate and the hydraulic conductivity of soil. In Egypt, the total amount of garbage collected from cities and villages reaches nearly 15 million tons per year and the proportion of domestic refuse is estimated to be about 68% (Hassanein Kandil, 2007). This could be a source of organic fertilization, after suitable composting in fruit orchards. Furthermore, few studies have evaluated the effects of organic and mineral fertilizers on the quality characteristics of date fruits and the amount of prduction(Shahein et al., 2003Al-Kharusi et al., 2009). Minerals in the Date Fruits Phosphorus was determined in date fruits by ascorbic acid method. While flame photometer used in determining potassium content in date fruits. Element such as Pb, Cd, Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu contents were measured using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer (Model 305B). The concentrations of N, P, K, Ca and Mg were expressed as percentages, while Pb, Cd, Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu were expressed as parts per million (ppm) on dry weight basis in the previous researches. Fruit nitrate (NO3) and nitrite (NO2) contents were also been measured in that particular conducted research(Marzouk Kassem, 2010). Phoenix dactylifera Phoenix dactylifera is one of the oldest cultivated fruit crops. The date palm has long been harvested for its fleshy fruit which is a common food for many people at the residential of country such as North Africa and Arabia. There are a lof of different types of this species which each of them are grown for commercial purposes and perhaps making the date palm the second most familiar palm species after the coconut palm (Cocosnucifera). It grows with an imposing tall, slender, straight trunk with spiralling pattern on the bark, and long feather-like leaves. The common names of date palm are Palma dactylifera, Palma major, Phoenix atlantica var. maroccana, Phoenix chevalieri, Phoenix excelsior, Phoenix iberica and Phoenix major (Marzouk Kassem, 2010). Physiological Disorder of Date Palm Blacknose is the abnormally shriveled and darkened tip of date. The conditions that must be avoid too high humidity, excessive soil moisture especially at the stage of fruit development. Next is crosscut. It is a physiological disorder of fruit stalks. Crosscut or V-cuts are clean break in tissues of the fruit stalk bases and on fronds. Crop losses may be avoided by using non-susceptible varieties, or by reducing the number of fruit stalks in susceptible varieties. After that is whitenose. It is commonly occur in dry and prolonged wind. It causes rapid maturation of the fruit. The affected fruit becomes very dry, hard and has greater sugar content. Hydration may correct this condition in harvested fruits. Next, barhee disorder is unusual bending. The cause and the way to control of this disorder are unknown(Agriculture and Consumer Protection, 11 November 2014). Black scald is different from blacknose where it is a minor disorder. It consists of a blackened and sunken area with a definite line of demarcation. The disease usually appears on the tip or the sides of the fruit, and affected tissues have a bitter taste. The appearance of the disorder suggests exposure to high temperature, but the exact cause is not definitely known (Nixon, 1951). Then, bastard offshoot which is a deformed growth of date palm vegetative buds especially of offshoots fronds. It may be occur due to reduction in growth caused by an inequilibrium of growth regulators. After that is leaf apical drying that absolutely not a disease but a physiological reaction to transplantation of adult palms (injury of their root system). All palms with these symptoms recover within two to three years after their transplanting (Agriculture and Consumer Protection, 11 November 2014). Physiological disorders of date palm also include the fertilization injury. This type of injury is involving only with young tissue culture-derived palm plants (first two years after field planting) and when fertilizers (N, P, K) are applied too close to the palms stipe. The nature of fertilizers is not the cause, but rather how close to the stipe the fertilizer was applied. If the damage is severe, it could cause the death of the young palm (Agriculture and Consumer Protection, 11 November 2014). Lack or excess of water can cause the date palm having a physiological disorder. The growth of the date palm is highly affected by variations in water availability and the water content of the soil. A decrease in yield or complete failure in fruit production could result from these water variations. Although date palms are resistant to flooding, healthy growth of palms requires a well-drained soil, and it is clear that irrigation must always go hand in hand with drainage. Serious losses, sometimes irreversible may occur in neglected date plantations. In such cases signs of decline appear on palms favored by root penetration of numerous saprophytes and parasites that could lead to the death of palms (Agriculture and Consumer Protection, 11 November 2014). 3.6AAS Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy in analytical chemistry is a technique for determining the concentration of a particular metal element within a sample. This spectroscopic instrument involving atomic emission which is the flame test. When a small amount of a solution of a metal ion is placed in the flame of a Bunsen burner, the flame turns a color that is characteristic of the metal ion. A sodium solution gives a yellow color, a potassium solution results in a violet color and a copper solution gives a green color. Hollow Cathode Lamp is one of the instrument components in AAS. It is the light source and the exactly light required for analysis although no monochromator is used. The reason for this is that atoms of the metal to be tested are present within the lamp, and when the lamp is on, these atoms are supplied with energy, which causes them to elevate to the excited states. Upon returning to the ground state, exactly the same wavelengths that are useful in the analysis are emitted, since it is the analyzed metal with exactly the same energy levels that undergoes excitation. The AAS instrument is as follows. Figure 1: Schematic diagram of AAS instrumentation. 4.0Problem Statement Mineral composition in soil important for plants which affect the production of fruits. Thus, it is needed to determine the types of mineral that suitable for fruits, for example the date fruits. There are cases where the date palm from the same area can produce fruit while some of the plants have no fruit. It could be happened because the soils are from different sources during plantation process and it also has different composition of minerals. Since the date fruits production might be related to the composition of minerals in soil, the determination of minerals in soils and date fruits have to be conducted in order to study the correlation between them. Objective The objectives in conducting this research are: To determine the minerals contain in the soil from date palm. To determine the minerals contain in date fruits. To find the correlation between the minerals in the soil and the minerals in date fruits.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Conrads Heart Of Darknesss :: essays research papers

Quinn on Heart of Darkness We cannot read Quinn’s Ishmael without re-evaluating ourselves. Quinn confronts us with powerful revelations about mankind. According to Quinn, if we continue to live in our taker lifestyles, we will eventually destroy ourselves. Conrad’s Heart of Darkness illustrates a real life manifestation of Quinn’s insights. Written nearly a century ago, Conrad’s tale of early English imperialistic taker lifestyle still resembles present day taker lifestyle. We still try to rule other lands and people. We still have the attitude that everything centers on man. We still exhaust Earth’s resources and kill its creations. Above all, we still do all this with ignorance. With Ishmael as a guide, we can better understand how Conrad’s more intricate story critiques taker lifestyle. Laying out the major issues in Ishmael will reveal insight to the imagery and symbolism in Heart of Darkness. Quinn states that man believes that the leaver community to be â€Å"a place of lawless chaos and savage, relentless competition, where every creature goes in terror of its life† (Quinn 117). Not until takers conquer these places of â€Å"lawless chaos† can these lands be â€Å"paradise for man† (222). Until then, these lands and its inhabitants are wrenched and in the wrong. Conrad establishes this mentality at the beginning of Heart of Darkness. We are instantly aware of the imagery of dark and light. Traditionally, dark represents evil and light represents good. Conrad begins with associating savagery with darkness and civilization with light. Conrad’s protagonist, Marlow, explains his version of the origin of England. He asserts to his shipmates, â€Å"[W]hen the Romans first came here, nineteen hundred years ago†¦ Light came out of this river [Thames] since†¦. But darkness was here yesterday† (Conrad 3). Takers demand that everyone an d everything must be civilized. To takers, â€Å"civilize† means living by their beliefs and their lifestyle. Like gods, takers believe â€Å"they know what is right and what is wrong to do, and what they’re doing is right† (Quinn 167). Everything and everyone is to live the taker lifestyle because that lifestyle is the right way to live. Oddly enough, the taker culture actually performs the exact opposite results from what it attempts to accomplish. As Ishmael preaches, â€Å"everything was in good order. It was the Takers who introduced disorder into the world† (146). When man thought he was not exempt from the laws of nature, he and everything was fine.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Democrat vs. Republican

Democrat vs. Republican The Democratic and Republican parties remain important organizing structures for politics in the United States. Both Democratic and Republican also write party platforms, setting out the party’s goals and policy positions. A party’s platform is not binding on its nominees, platform planks are largely symbolic, and the often provide heated arguments and provide distinct differences between the parties to present to voters.The Democratic platform is that if America is to secure prosperity, progress, peace, and security for all we cannot afford to go back, we must move forward together and we must not leave anyone behind. The Republican Platform is uplifting and visionary. The Democratic Party traces its origins back to Thomas Jefferson’s Democratic- Republican Party, acquiring its current name under Andrew Jackson in 1828. It also pressed the state to choose presidential electors by popular vote rather than by state legislatures.The Republic an Party traces its origins to the anti-slavery and national forces that united in the 1850s and nominated Abraham Lincoln for president in 1860. The Difference between the Republican Party and Democratic Party is like the sun and moon. (It comes up and it goes down). According to the text book, â€Å"The Republican Party believes the federal government should be small and ruled by the wealthy elite† (p. 476 – 504), and secondly according to the website on who do you believe, â€Å"the republican party believe that that your property is yours and you have the basic right to make use of it without unreasonable government restrictions†.While on the other hand, â€Å"the Democratic Party believes the federal government should be big and ruled by elected representatives† (p. 494). The type of government they desire is the type our constitution gives us, a Republic, and the methods they are using to achieve their goals are conservative, and secondly the Democr atic Party believe that the government has the right to regulate the use of private property in accordance with narrow special interests without giving just compensation to owners. The two platforms are also starkly different on the abortion issue.The Republican Platform states that â€Å"the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed. † And for the Democratic Party platforms states that â€Å"a woman's right to choose to abort the child†. The similarities between Democratic and Republican party, I believe that both parties has been representing the interest of liberals and that is a shame because liberals ideals promote freedom, human rights, worker's rights, a clean environment, and greater economic opportunities for all Americans. And both parties are led by people who vote for their own raises.Even some of their idea sometimes may seem wrong, but they do what is best for their people. Sources Difference between Democratic and Republican. Who do you believe? Access on September 9, 2010. Lowi Theodore J. , Ginsberg Benjamin, and Shepsle Kenneth A. American Government: Power and Purpose. 10th ed. W. W. Norton and Company New York, 2008. Lowi Theodore J. , Ginsberg Benjamin, and Shepsle Kenneth A. American Government: Power and Purpose. 10th ed. W. W. Norton and Company Inc. New York, 2008. Page 476-504

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Government Should Intervene Essays

The Government Should Intervene Essays The Government Should Intervene Paper The Government Should Intervene Paper The three most important ways the government should intervene with the economy is through social programs, health and safety controls and environment protection. Government funded social programs are essential for an economy and a country as a whole to prosper. Some of the social-insurance programs in place are welfare, pension and disability. Some citizens are unable to work because of old age, a disability or unemployment. There has to be government support to help people get through hard times, or retirement. Health care that is available to everyone, no matter who you are, is also important. In the United States some people can’t receive proper treatment due to the extreme costs. This produces huge amounts of money for the capitalists in health care, however it is an un-fair system of health care. The Canadian health care system, even though it doesn’t produce the profit, as does the United States health care system, keeps its citizens healthy due to the â€Å"free† health care. Environment protection is also another key factor a government must take into consideration. In many capitalists pursuit for profit corners are cut on the environment. The Canadian government has many good laws for environmental protection such as tree re-planting. Without this our forests would be completely depleted. The three least important ways the government should intervene with the economy is through the private sector, innovation and makes production more efficient. The private sector has to be government free, except for some regulations such as minimum wage and fair-ness laws (prevent false advertising and un-fair hiring). For an economy to prosper to its maximum potential it must have as little government intervention so it can play itself out. This is usually always a good thing because it gives consumer choice, dollar voting and competition. However, these positives virtues may also turn bad, such as competition. If competition becomes so intense that one company owns all of the means of production for that product then that company can control the market. By controlling the market they are free to charge whatever they want for their product, this is known as a monopoly. With private ownership comes efficiency because producers want to maximize their profit by keeping their overhead costs low. The government must also intervene as little as possible with the innovation industry, except to place safety laws such as testing on animals. If a person is going to create a new product there can’t be so many laws that the person is narrowed down to one or two products. The choice has to be unlimited so the innovator can create whatever the consumers are demanding.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

2.2 Mapping Earths Surface Essay Example

2.2 Mapping Earths Surface Essay Example 2.2 Mapping Earths Surface Paper 2.2 Mapping Earths Surface Paper map A flat model of all or part of Earth’s surface as seen from above. key A list of the symbols used on a map. globe A sphere that represents Earth’s entire surface. degree A unit used to measure distances around a circle. One degree equals 1/360 of a full circle. equator An imaginary line that circles Earth halfway between the North and South poles. symbol On a map, pictures used by mapmakers to stand for features on Earth’s surface. hemisphere One half of the sphere that makes up Earth’s surface. longitude The distance in degrees east or west of the prime meridian. latitude The distance in degrees north or south of the equator. Prime Meridian The line that makes a half circle from the North Pole to the South Pole and that passes through Greenwich, England. scale Used to compare distance on a map or globe to distance on Earth’s surface.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Comparative Error Analysis of Public and Private High School Students Thesis

Comparative Error Analysis of Public and Private High School Students - Thesis Example y significant difference in academic success rates of students who attend well funded private schools as opposed to students who attend public schools that are under-funded. In this light, high school students schooling in the different setups will definitely exhibit differentiated results and characteristics based on the intricacies of the different schooling schemes. For instance, students in private schools go through a curriculum determined by the board while their counterparts in public schools use a curriculum determined by the national educational standards (Bryk, Lee, and Holland, 45-46). This inadvertently implies that the results from the different students get affected. Private schools focus on passing exams while as public schools focus on completing the syllabus. In addition, given that private students fundamentally run on money collected from the student’s school fees, the quality of education is thereby determined by this. This means the student is a product of the school he or she attends. Public schools get equal funding from the relevant government agencies. With a high level of standardization and policies the quality of educa tion becomes leveled (Epstein, 34-35). High school students attending private schools are so focused on passing exams while those in public schools focus on learning a myriad of other skills as opposed to education alone based on the curriculum and associated policies. The effect of funding (independent variable) on academic success (dependent variable). Lack of adequate funding in the public schools makes the public students to perform dismmaly in the academic endeavors. On the other hand, private schools generate adequate funding through a variety of different sources including students’ tuition fees, endowments and grants. This makes students to excell in studies due to adequate provision of learning materials. Besides, curriculum development (independent variable) also impacts on the students educational

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Learning many languages in the future Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Learning many languages in the future - Essay Example It is significant to point out where the problem lies in the language acquisition domains. The concern with people around the world is that they do not let their children learn many languages as they have distinctive dispositions and viewpoints. It is a problem because the parents do not realize that if they disallow their young ones from learning new languages, they are in essence asking them not to move ahead in life – both personally as well as professionally. There is an ignorant vibe that can be collected from the domains of the parents as they intend to upgrade the lives of their children. However what they seem to forget is the fact that these children have to see the new age which these parents might not be able to make it through. Since the children will be alive even after the parents have long gone by from this world, they need to set up a proper basis for their growth and development. This can be done when they allow their children to learn new languages and unders tand for their own selves how they will view life their own way. What is even more surprising is the fact that the parents have earmarked certain languages for their children and would forbid them to learn others. This is a negative approach as has been comprehended with the passage of time. The parents are perhaps feeling that their children are overburdened with studies already and if they try their hand at learning a new language, they will have an even harder time. What they seem to forget is the fact that the parents have a definite role under such scenarios. They need to make efforts to settle the difficulties once and for all. Learning new languages is not a negative aspect; rather it should be seen in a positive way. If they learn new languages, they will be at a benefit as compared to the people who do not have any know-how regarding a specific dictum. The most basic problem is that the parents do not understand the very problem. If realization of the problem is done, perha ps many things can be handled in an amicable fashion but unfortunately this is not the case. As (Paton 2012) depicts, â€Å"The number of schoolchildren shunning the subjects between the age of 14 and 16 has more than doubled since the late 90s, it was revealed.† In this day and age, learning new languages ensure that the children stay one step ahead of many of their colleagues and have an advantage over others when it comes to their professional domains and settings. Hence only when the problem is identified, can there be a solution found for it. Sadly and quite rightly so, the parents are unwary of the fact that their young ones are feeling left behind in this global rat race to reach the top and learning new languages can benefit them like none other. Also, (Paton 2012) believes that â€Å"The drop has been particularly marked in French and German – traditionally the two most popular languages at school – with both being named among the fastest declining sub jects at GCSE level last summer.† In essence, the cause of the problem revolves around the fact that parents have a non-serious role within such matters. They are the ones who would not let their young ones learn a new language merely because they would feel that by learning a new language, their children will be burdened immensely. Also the reason for this lies in the