Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Nigerian Stock Market and Its Impact on the Economy

CHAPTER ONE OVERVIEW Nigeria, like many other African countries, was created from a multi-ethnic, socially and culturally diverse people, situated between the Equator and the tropic of cancer, its climate and vegetation can afford the growth of many tropical commodities such as cocoa, groundnuts, palm produce and rubber. Starting from a low technological base after political independence in 1960, the country embarked on the arduous task of building a state with one identity by integrating the different ethnicities and transforming the barter economy into financial exchange economy. The country provided infrastructure and social amenities for a very young population. Over the years, policies were pursued in order to achieve the goal of a†¦show more content†¦Fakiyesi, O.M. in his paper also said that the poor in Nigeria have limited access to savings and credit facilities, good roads, pipe borne water, innovative technology and low output markets. They are predominantly in subsistence agricult ure and in petty trading, utilising traditional input. This is why the role of the capital market as agent of growth and development is very important, thus this role has been subject of concern and has drawn comments from different fora. It is under this background this study was proposed, to further clarify the symbiotic relationship between the capital market and economic development. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Economic advancement and allocation of the aggregate investment in an economy for production of goods and services are too prominent factors in our national development. The importance of capital market can be ascertained from the increasing emphasis and recognition accorded to investment as veritable instruments of development by policy makers in Nigeria and the world over. Capital mobilisation and allocation are very essential if the regular features of poor infrastructural facilities (i.e. bad roads/poor road networks, lack of electricity, water, indecent accommodation, inadequate educational institutions, lack of health centres and poorShow MoreRelatedCurrent Issues On Capital Market Essay724 Words   |  3 PagesCURRENT ISSUES ON CAPITAL MARKET The Capital market all over the globe experienced crisis which started in United States of America in 2007 following the collapse of subprime mortgage. The bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in September 2008, which led to the collapse of the US capital market that later trickled to other part of the world with large organization asking for bailout and also economies requesting for same from other economies or regional unions. The Nigerian Capital market was not exempted inRead MoreImpact of Industrial Development on Nigeria Stock Market1457 Words   |  6 PagesImpact of Industrial development on Nigeria stock market. 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IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (B.Sc) DEGREE IN BANKING AND FINANCE. UNIVERSITY OF ABUJA. JANUARY, 2010. CERTIFICATION This project has been fully supervised, readRead MoreThe Relation Between Stock Market And Market Activities Development3018 Words   |  13 PagesBETWEEN STOCK MARKET AND MARKET ACTIVITIES DEVELOPMENT IN NIGERIA (1970 – 2014) BY OMENUGHA, NELSON – MAYOR â€Æ' CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction The aim of this chapter following the introduction in chapter one is to review the related literature of our subject matter. In this chapter, attempts will be made to review the theoretical and empirical issues. However, this chapter will be presented as follows. 2.2. 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The origin and elements of the 2007/2012 global financial crisis have bee n widely discussed in the literature throughout the period. The aim of this work is to, however, try to point out the reasons and also the macroeconomic effects of the financial crisis in both countries economy and the resultingRead MoreBoard Diversity As An Effective Corporate Governance1551 Words   |  7 PagesBoard Diversity as an Effective Corporate Governance Tool in a Developing Economy: Challenges and Prospects. NAME: BASSEY EDIDIONG OFFIONG The thesis will examine the effect of board diversity as a critical factor for ensuring effective corporate governance among public companies across the globe. The motivation for the research came on the backdrop of the approval of the European Commission proposal by the European Parliament to improve the gender balance in company boards last year which callsRead MoreIMPACT OF MONEY SUPPLY ON THE ECONOMIC GROWTH OF NIGERIA6890 Words   |  28 PagesTHE IMPACT OF MONEY SUPPLY ON THE ECONOMIC GROWTH OF NIGERIA CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY In the critical observation of the recent Nigerian economic position, there has been a great divergence between the rate at which money is supplied and the exact impact it has on the general price level, which results in inflation and deflation on one hand, and the output growth (productivity) on the other hand. Although, it had occurred to our mind that Nigerian

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Differences and Similarities in the Arguments for...

Lorena Burgess RHE 309S October 28th, 2011 Differences and Similarities in the Arguments for Legalizing Marijuana The legalization of marijuana has become a mainstream issue that the nation has become highly concerned about in recent years. Lately more and more conservative opposers have begun to change their minds, realizing the benefits of marijuana. Debate followers go as far as saying that it is no longer a question of if marijuana will be legalized, but when. The shift in viewpoints is due to the increasing awareness of some of the positive effects legalizing marijuana could have on the country. Pro-legalization advocates argue that the benefits of legalizing marijuana greatly outnumber the benefits of keeping it illegal.†¦show more content†¦They know their audience is anti-legalization, so they want to make sure that the readers know, before they choose a stance, they’ve been lied to. This makes the authors seem like more trustworthy and rational choice. By using the Constitution to back up their arguments, there is no real way to justify anti-legalization. Assumptions will be made that you’re anti-Constitution, and in turn, anti-American. Another similarity between Cartwright’s stance and other arguments for marijuana legalization is the huge emphasis on the effects it will have on the economy. In the article â€Å"Up In Smoke,† Kelley Beaucar Vlahos describes the economic benefits of legalization, while giving real number estimates of how much revenue could be brought in or saved. She writes, â€Å"Proponents of Prop 19 claimed taxes on legalized cannabis could bring upwards of $1.4 billion into beleaguered state coffers† (Vlahos 18). Cartwright does this in his article as well, stating that â€Å"In America, we spend nearly $8 billion trying to enforce the laws prohibiting the use and possesson of marijuana† (Cartwright 86). Cartwright further supports this argument by providing more proof of the waste of taxpayers’ dollars, stating that â€Å"in Texas, 97 percent of all marijuana arrests are for simple possession--an ounce or less--at a cost to taxpayers of $480 million a year† (86). Cartwright chooses to provide the reader with these statistics for deliberate reasons: it provides aShow MoreRelatedShould Hemp Be Legalize The Planting Of Hemp?1503 Words   |  7 Pagesmentally. He states, â€Å"Flower buds of marijuana plants typically contain 5% to 25% of THC by dry weight, Levine said. By contrast, the hemp harvested to make foods and other products has buds with 0.3% THC content†¦ with sufficiently low THC levels that they produce no psychoactive effect in humans, manufacturers say. ‘No one s getting high on this stuff’†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Carey). Carey’s argument is based on the idea that people tend to believe hemp is same as the addictive drug—marijuana. Statistically, this quote clearlyRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal?1820 Words   |  8 Pagesuse is checked in screening processes by many employers and forbidden among our youth since children and young adults are more vulnerable to misuse. With the legalization of marijuana all parents should be concerned as what was once an illegal drug is now easily accessible to youth of all ages. The chances of exposure to marijuana and all its strains among teens is almost certain and it is up to parents to protect their children from a newfound threat. A major debate revolves around the medical aspectRead MoreMODR 17608087 Words   |  33 Pagesfacts and spin them to your advantage not in a way that accurately reflects the truth. Or to spin them reversely to oppose your opponent. To raise emotions, prejudice, and ignorance in poorer and less-educated. Lecture 3: In order to have an argument we need two related claims. One claim supports the other. The supporter claim is premise. The supported is the conclusion. The process is inference. A claim is a statement that can be true or false. - Questions are not claims. Unless they’re

Saturday, December 14, 2019

The Two Best Job Searching Methods Free Essays

There is no doubt that people who want to have a good life dream of a good job. Although it may seem us easy to find a job, people have to struggle so much for having a good job because of great competition about accept top position even average positions. There are various ways to find a job such as internet, direct application, newspapers, using connections or friends, networking. We will write a custom essay sample on The Two Best Job Searching Methods or any similar topic only for you Order Now In my opinion internet and networking are the two most of effective ways a finding a job. Internet is a constitution that is infinitely useful and serviceable when it used effective and correctly. Internet is a wide network what spans the world. It contains a lot of recruitment agencies, cooperation websites, association sites, newsletters and freelance job options and in the present day access to internet very easily. This also provides an opportunity to become an impressive job searching. Based on The Conference Board report , newspapers and online ads are used by 70% of all job seekers for recruitment (2006)p1. It was established a lot of websites in order to bring together job searchers with employers such as secretcv. com, kariyer. net, yenibiris. com, monster. com. All over the world engagement agencies are accepted by companies and employers. Nowadays, most of company advertise only this websites, and choose their workers by means of who appealed this websites with their CV. Especially large companies are not permit direct application for many positions. Another effective job searching method is networking. Communication and relations compose the basis of the network because many jobs are never advertised. Networking also comprises not only business networking websites but also friendships, exhibitions, shows, seminars, training. Firstly, let’s consider business networking websites such as linekedin. com, bni. com. Their aim is create a platform where professionals from all kinds of different industries can meet up, find jobs, new assignments, cooperation partners, experts and generate business ideas. With more people getting online now, business networking sites are attracting a great deal of attention for their role in bolstering professional relationships and facilitating new connections. Secondly, some companies organize seminars thus they explain about their business and accept graduated or students who suitable in order to their business. In this way more and more people are employed. According to Goodman, networking is the leader of job searching because it is on the success of 50% regarded in generally (2009)p2. I believe that networking is a giant world in its own right. How to cite The Two Best Job Searching Methods, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Patent Protection of Software and Hardware

Question: Discuss about thePatent Protection of Software and Hardware. Answer: Introduction Patent refers to the form of protection that is granted to an individual or a group with the exclusive rights for a particular product or a commodity on the making, selling or using the same. Any activity that is executed on the product without the consent of the patent owner may result in legal penalties and punishments. Computer software and hardware are the categories that are exposed to a number of risks and threats and a major portion of the same are associated with patent infringements. The report covers the necessity of patent protection on these categories of products along with jurisdiction and a few examples of law suits as well. Patent Protection of Software and Hardware Patent protection is a form of legal protection that is provided to the product owner and provides them with the exclusive rights in the using, selling, copying and making of the product (McNamara, 2016). There are a number of steps that are involved in the process of patenting software or hardware. The patent rules and guidelines are different in different countries. However, the series of steps that are described below are followed in every country for availing patent protection on the software and hardware products. Patent Eligibility: It must be ascertain the software or hardware for which the patent needs to be filed is original in all forms. The idea, built, components and all the associated details regarding the product must be original and not copies from anywhere. A prior art search must be done from the owners end and a series of verifications and validations are done by the patent body to mark the patent being filed as eligible. The description of the product along with an abstract covering the product brief must also be submitted to the patent body once the patent being filed is found to be eligible. The description must include the product category, product name, list of owners, purpose of the product and the major features that the product will perform. The abstract must cover the reason which is present behind the application of the patent for the product (Quinn, 2016). An application must then be submitted to the patent body which is usually regulated by the federal government and a filing fee is also charged from the applicant. The application would require the basic details of the applicant along with the design of the product, product description and abstract. The oath would also be required by the applicant that will be the product inventor to confirm the authenticity and originality of the product that may be either software or hardware. It will also provide the patent body to investigate and seek the inventor for further information. A considerable time period will then be required to approve and confirm the patent that has been filed. The applicant may make the queries or inquiries regarding the final date and the status of the patent that will be informed to the same in a timely manner (Carnes, 2016). Jurisdiction Patent Protection for Software and Hardware There are a number of laws and legal policies that have been defined against the patent protection on the product categories specific to the software and hardware. The prime requirements that United States look for in the software or hardware to be patented are the novelty, utility and the non-obviousness and it must be filed in a period of 12 months starting with the invention of the same. European Union requirements for the patent protection of software and hardware is a mirror to the ones listed for United States and asks for industrial applicability, novelty and inventive step behind the for the same. The invention must be of technical nature in order to be eligible for patents. There have been many revisions done on the patent policy towards software and hardware in Japan. The term that is required for requesting examination is three years in Japan and would mark a product to be eligible for patent if it is crated with the ability of being industrially applicable. The patent policy in China is not very restricted and looks for novelty in the products that are sent for the patent application. Comparison Chart A comparison chart is shown above to understand the patent policies and jurisdiction that exists in different countries regarding the patent protection of software and hardware. United States is the only exception that follows a first-to-invent system whereas all the others believe in the first to file patent policy. The process of application also varies from country to country and the level of restriction also differs. United States is the least restrictive when it comes to the patent protection of software and business methods followed by Japan and then European Union. China does not consider business methods to be patentable (Chaleck et al., 2016). Example of Law Suits There have been a number of cases of patent infringement on the product categories as software and hardware that have been filed in the past. One of the examples of such a law suit is the patent trial that continued between the two IT giants as Apple and Samsung. The case started when Apple had filed a suit against Samsung in April, 2011 and accused its rival organization of copying some of the essential features and application that were invented by it which resulted in the decrease of the market shares occupied by iPhones and iPads. List of Patents that were filed by Apple and Samsung was accused of the infringement of the same List of Patents that were filed by Samsung and Apple was accused of the infringement of the same Quick Links Universal Search Background Syncing Slide to Unlock Automatic Word Correction Camera and folder organization Video Transmission There were a number of demands from both sides in terms of compensation and penalties on the infringement of the patents. As per the final verdict, quick links and automatic word correction were the patents that were found to be infringed by all the Samsung devices whereas none of it was convicted of the infringement of universal search and background syncing. The slide to unlock was found to be infringed in some of the devices and was absent from the others. Apple was found to have infringed the camera and folder organization patent is all of its devices whereas a few of them had the feature of video transmission as well. Both the companies were found to be guilty of the accusations that were imposed and were ordered to compensate for the losses that occurred as a result. Samsung was asked to pay $119.6 million to Apple and Apple had to pay $158,400 to Samsung. There was also involvement of Google in the case as Samsung has reported these features to be a part of Android operating system implemented in its devices which was created by Google. However, that did not change the verdict that was given by the jury. Need of Patent Protection for Software and Hardware Technology has expanded itself over all the sectors that are present and a major transformation has been done in the field of computer software and hardware. There are a number of cases of patent infringement that are seen in this sector and it is necessary to protect the patented assets from the infringement cases. The primary reason behind the patent protection for software and hardware is the restriction that it puts on the illegal usage of these products without the consent from the patent owner. There are numerous cases wherein a replica of a web application or a web site is created and the makers of such applications attract the traffic of the original application towards them. These activities are also done with the objective of fraud or theft by the means of impersonation. Patent protection aids in the prevention of such activities and in case the criminals are detected and convicted, then considerable legal penalties and punishments are also imposed on them. It provides the owners with the rights to prevent their creation from being copied or used illegally (Tysver, 2016). Conclusion Patent protection for software and hardware is a significant step towards the protection of novelty and originality associated with every invention of both of these product categories. The rules and laws that guard the patent processes must be very applicable and strict to make sure that the cases of infringement are reduced and the profits for the original inventor of the products are not impacted negatively in any manner. There are laws that are created by countries that vary from one country to the other and must be followed by the users as well as the product creators to prevent the violation and illegal usage of the same. References Carnes, D. (2016). How to File a Software Patent. [online] Info.legalzoom.com. Available at: https://info.legalzoom.com/file-software-patent-20377.html [Accessed 27 Sep. 2016]. Chaleck, J., Gupta, A., Kong, D., Li, J. and Lin, J. (2016). Applicability of Patent Protection to Software Inventions. [online] Available at: https://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/csep590/04au/clearedprojects/Chalecki.pdf [Accessed 27 Sep. 2016]. McNamara, B. (2016). Patent and Copyright Protection for Computer Hardware and Software. [online] Foley.com. Available at: https://www.foley.com/patent-and-copyright-protection-for-computer-hardware-and-software/ [Accessed 27 Sep. 2016]. Quinn, G. (2016). A Guide to Patenting Software: Getting Started. [online] Ipwatchdog.com. Available at: https://www.ipwatchdog.com/2013/02/16/a-guide-to-patenting-software-getting-started/id=35629/ [Accessed 27 Sep. 2016]. Tibken, S. (2014). Apple v. Samsung patent trial recap: How it all turned out (FAQ). [online] CNET. Available at: https://www.cnet.com/au/news/apple-v-samsung-patent-trial-recap-how-it-all-turned-out-faq/ [Accessed 27 Sep. 2016]. Tysver, D. (2016). Why Protect Software Through Patents (BitLaw). [online] Bitlaw.com. Available at: https://www.bitlaw.com/software-patent/why-patent.html [Accessed 27 Sep. 2016].

Monday, November 25, 2019

Catch-22 log essays

Catch-22 log essays Yossarian He is the protagonist of Catch-22. Dunbar Yossarian's friend and roommate when the novel opens The Chaplain a religious man who comes to visit Yossarian in the hospital Nurse Duckett Doesn't appear to have a significant role, except that of Yossarian's nurse The Texan A man so nice that everyone hates him Soldier in white A completely bandaged man who is in the same ward as Yossarian Lieutenant Nately Yossarian's commanding officer The novel opens in a hospital ward with Yossarian meeting the chaplain. Yossarian seems to enjoy confusing the chaplain and causing him trouble although he "fell madly in love with him" (15) We meet a few other characters, none too significant at this point. The first piece of irony is seen in this chapter in the Texan. He is so nice that everyone hates him. The soldier in white poses an element of mystery thus far in the novel. He is intriguing to the other characters because he is all bandaged. They ponder whether or not he is alive. We are also introduced to the first setting of the novel; Pianosa which is to be a small island in the Mediterranean Sea. C.I.D. Man His name is only mentioned once and is thus far insignificant Clevinger A fellow officer in Yossarian's squadron Milo Assumed to be in charge of the mess hall Yossarian is out of the hospital and is arguing with Clevinger about how everyone is out to kill him The new characters are mainly other pilots in the military with Yossarian. Ferrara and the Great Big Siege of Bologna are two events mentioned with no description This chapter holds the first introduction to the idea of insanity. Yossarian feels that everyone else is crazy, everyone hates him and is trying to kill him as well. Sergeant Towser Only mentioned very briefly, no apparent significance Major Major Squadron commander who resembles Hen...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Relationship between Shapes, i.e. line towards Wellbeing Essay

Relationship between Shapes, i.e. line towards Wellbeing - Essay Example Minds have shape and so do emotions and these two unseen parts of human being are themselves shaped by knowledge and experience so that it makes sense to ponder that while shapes widely exist in several regions of the earth and universe, it would bear less to acknowledge them apart from the essence of relations. In the field of art, shape proves to be an essential component that constitutes any piece of creation with a defined boundary. Its non-static property allows it to establish dynamic and flexible connection with other visual elements such as lines, curves, texture, and color (Definition of Shape – Art History Glossary). If not, how is it possible to imagine random lines or figures spread in space toward shapeless construction? Whether something is identified as regular or irregular, there certainly is a sensible ground of opting to view and feel what proceeds as definite rather than to dwell at the sight and thought of absence in dimensions which is as good as non-existence. Dealing with shapes means evolving with them in several aspects of life for they embody both the origin and shadow of form in everything at all times. Mathematicians have been able to synthesize concepts through Euclidian geometry, discovery of conic sections, and other relevant areas which to this point are of huge advantage due to man’s fundamental learning of shapes. Likewise, it has sparked the interest of humanity to examine graphical theories in order to grasp the symmetry and orientations that extend their significance to musical dimension where the shape of rhythm is comparable to a curvilinear flow that sculpts and refines manner of appreciative listening. Thinkers and composers can be naturally observed to have become unified by virtue of artistry in the process of shaping symphonic orchestration, literary endeavor of writing

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Hobbes and Morality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Hobbes and Morality - Essay Example 13, p. 84). The conditions that Hobbes outlined and feared in the state of nature had profound implications for his conceptualization of morality and what defined an individual as an equal to his or her fellow human being both in terms of morality and in rational self-interest. The overriding principle in the state of nature is that man is inherently and perpetually condemned to a fate where his life is subject to a violent and brutish death or injury at the hands of others. Hobbes first defined man as being relatively equal in faculties to one another, in physical and mental abilities, and when there are such advantages of one holds over another in either physical strength or intellectual prowess, the threat of harm is always prevalent, so that any such advantages or disadvantages are not considerable enough to negate such threats of harm. Even if there is a more skilled warrior in the area, he or she is still subject to a violent death insomuch that others could band together to nullify such a threat (Leviathan, ch. 13, p. 82). It is because of this equal threat is how Hobbes is then able to define what his terms of morality are in the state of nature. With an individual existing in the state of nature that is conditionally the state of war with every man against every man, and life al... An individual has the moral authority to kill, maim or otherwise thwart another individual should they be deemed a threat to one's life and being. This also had prolific implications for actions themselves. One's actions to preserve their own well being are either amoral, or completely void of being judged right or wrong, or that such actions are morally defensible because the ultimate value and aim is that one's life ought to be defended at all costs and through any and all means disposable. Hobbes directly wrote, "to this war of every man against every man...is also consequent that nothing can be unjust," (Leviathan, ch. 13, 85). The social contract and civil government Hobbes declared removed man from the state of nature and perpetual warfare into a civil society where the governing authority is charged with the responsibility of the preservation of domestic peace. In exchange for this protection of life, the subjects in this civil society must sacrifice their absolute freedom as they held in the state of nature in order to ensure that the war of every man against every man no longer exists. Hobbes directly argued that "a man be willing, when others are tooto lay down his rights to all things, and would be contented with so much liberty against other men as he would allow other men against himself," (Leviathan, ch. 14, p. 87). The civil society is a voluntary contract where all citizens agree to what they are to compromise in terms of absolute freedom in order to have the right of life protected under a rule of law. Individuals are also equal in this respect that they rationally enter into such a social cont ract voluntarily and willing compromise whatever natural freedoms

Monday, November 18, 2019

Annotated bibliography of four readings Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Annotated bibliography of four readings - Essay Example This article has also explored to what extent the team members can be expected to internalize the normative demands of the company. Findlay et al. have reviewed contemporary psychological research on the subject in their study and have expressed reservations on the common notion that â€Å"teamwork†¦(is).. a vehicle for regulating individualism† (1553). This article also expresses the opinion that both psychological and critical literature on teamwork in an organization, though seemingly arrive at the same conclusions, â€Å"have a tendency to overstate the extent of normative integration and underplay the complexity of its characteristics† (Findlay et al., 1554). The notion that self-governance and increased responsibility are coercive is refuted here. The contradiction in the inferences made by psychological and critical research is emphasized. It is pointed out that while psychological research expects improved performance in teamwork to arise from collectivizat ion, the critical research expects the same to happen out of coercion (Findlay et al., 1553). The findings of this study suggest that majority of the respondents thought teamwork was introduced in the company to enhance the technical convenience rather than to enhance normative integration, performance and output. ... The research revealed a gap between the values promoted through teamwork and its practice. This study is directly relevant for the proposed research because it examines why do many managers prefer that their employees work in teams, and also whether this necessarily deliver the workplace outcomes that these managers envisage. The strength of this study lies in the exhaustive interviews taken by giving representation to managers, team leaders, team members and union representatives, and the extensive data collected out of them. This lends a great amount of authenticity and validity to the research. The use of two groups to validate the data is another aspect that imparts credibility to this research. The weakness in the methodology of this study is that the dominant members in each group might have influenced the discussion that happens in the groups. Secondly, the sample of this study is limited but even then the study attempts to refute most of the mainstream and conventional resear ch that has happened in the same field. In an overall analysis, this study can be accepted with some reservations but is important because it calls for a change in preconceived ideas on teamwork and future research. Kirkman, B.L., Jones, R.G. and Shapiro, D.L., Why Do Employees Resist Teams? Examining the Resistance Barrier to Work Team Effectiveness, The International Journal of Conflict Management, Vol.11, No.1 (2000): p.74-92.Print. Explores why resistance on the part of employees has accompanied the increase in the use of teamwork in organizations. The inference arrived at, is that this is caused by issues of trust and low tolerance of faith. This study

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Composition of Minerals in Soil Related with Date Fruits

Composition of Minerals in Soil Related with Date Fruits Research Proposal Topic Study the Composition of Minerals in Soil Related with Date Fruits using AAS. Introduction Generally, plants require optimum mineral nutrients from the soil other than water, sunlight and carbon dioxide. Mineral is a crystalline solid of inorganic element. It has their own characteristic on physical properties such as crystalline structure, hardness, density, flammability, and color with certain chemical composition that form by natural processes. Mineral nutrients can be classified into two types of nutrients which are micronutrients and macronutrients. Essential mineral composition with sufficient quantity is important in a plant as it affect the plant productivity or fruit quality. Plants also not grow well if one or more elements are present in too large quantity which can be toxicity to the plant. This shows that the levels of elements must in balance with other nutrients. These nutrients perform a variety of functions in plants especially in the structural components of cell. Date palm or Phoenix dactylifera will involve in this research for the study of the minerals in soils and date fruits. Date palms need the specific composition of minerals in soils in order to produce fruits. Soil of plant analysis is useful for estimating trace element availability and determining the specific type of mineral presence in the soil which can prevent the deficiencies of fruit production. Determination of the minerals in fruit is important in order to study the correlation between the minerals in soils from date palm with date fruits using atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). Literature Review Minerals A mineral is a natural inorganic solid with a definite chemical composition such as K, Ca, Mg and Na. It is inorganic crystalline solid that has the crystal structure of long ranged order of atomic arrangement. Minerals are divided into groups based on their chemical composition with different chemical features of each groups. Characteristics and Properties Minerals can be known by their characteristics such as crystalline structure, inorganic elements, form by natural process, has particular chemical composition and specific physical properties. Minerals are crystalline solids that the atoms are arranged in repeating pattern. Mineral also comes from the organic substances which involved proteins, carbohydrates, and oils.Besides, minerals also commonly come from the inorganic compound (Geoscience News and Information, 11 November 2014). Minerals form by natural processes occurs in or on Earth. A diamond is a example of mineral that created in Earth’s crust. About 98.5% of Earth’s crust is made up of only eight elements which are oxygen, silicon, aluminum, iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, and magnesium. These are the elements that can form different types of chemical compounds of minerals and each mineral has a specific chemical composition and chemical formula. For example, quartz is the combination of two oxygen atoms bonded to a silicon atom, SiO2 (Geoscience News and Information, 11 November 2014). Minerals also presence in hard type of mineral like a diamond as it is from by strong covalent bond of carbon. Then, softer mineral also exist which contains calcium and oxygen along with carbon which is calcite. The structure of calcite shows the relationship of calcium (Ca), carbon (C) and oxygen (O).In other aspect, the physical properties of minerals include the differentiation in the mineral’s color, the color of the powder of mineral (streak), the light reflection of mineral’s surface (luster), the specific gravity, tendency to break the flat surfaces (cleavage), the mineral breaks pattern (fracture) and the hardness (Geoscience News and Information, 11 November 2014). 2.1.2Mineral Groups Minerals can be classified into groups depend on their chemical composition. Silicates are the largest mineral group exists on Earth. Silicate minerals are the first group which has silica tetrahedron compound as the basic structure. Silica tetrahedron is the combination of one silicon atom bonds to four oxygen atoms. The common examples of silicate minerals are feldspar and quartz. Both of them are rock-forming minerals. The variety of silicate minerals can be form pyramid-shaped structure is bound to other elements, such as calcium, iron, and magnesium. Silica tetrahedrons also can combine together in six different ways to produce different types of silicates (Scientific Classifications of Mineral Groups, 11 November 2014). Native elements contain atoms of one type of element. Only a few types of minerals are found in this group. The minerals in native elements group are rarely to have and very valuable. Gold, silver, sulfur, and diamond are examples of minerals in native elements group. Next is carbonates mineral group. The carbonate structure form from one carbon atom bonded to three oxygen atoms. Carbonates also include other additional elements such as calcium, iron, and copper. For example, calcite (CaCO3) which is the most common carbonate mineral (Scientific Classifications of Mineral Groups, 11 November 2014). Halide minerals are salts that form when salt water evaporates which is involving a halogen bonded with a metallic atom. Halite is an example of halide mineral. The chemical elements in halogen group are fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine. While fluorite is a halide containing calcium and fluorine. Next, oxides contain one or two metal elements combined with oxygen. Most metals are found as oxides. For example, hematite (Fe2O3) which is form by two iron atoms combined with three oxygen atoms and magnetite (Fe3O4) is produced when three iron atoms combined with four oxygen atoms. Magnetite is one of the magnetic mineral and attraction of magnets can be made by this magnetite minerals. Both are the examples of iron oxides. (Scientific Classifications of Mineral Groups, 11 November 2014). Phosphate minerals are same in pattern of structure of atom in the silicate minerals. Phosphorus, arsenic or vanadium bond to oxygen to form tetrahedral in this type of phosphate minerals. There are many different minerals exist in the phosphate group but they very rarely to meet. Turquoise is an example of a phosphate mineral which consist of copper, aluminum, and phosphorus. Next, sulfate minerals contain sulfur atoms bonded to oxygen atoms. The sulfate group also may consist of many different minerals but it is not commonly known. Then, sulfides are formed when metallic elements combine with sulfur. Sulfides are slightly different from sulfate as it do not contain oxygen. Pyrite, or iron sulfide is a common example of sulfide mineral (Scientific Classifications of Mineral Groups, 11 November 2014). Minerals in the Soils of Date Palm Phoenix dactylifera has the long productivity period and did multiple purpose qualities. It is one of the old types of fruit tree and the first country of the top ten producers is Egypt. Date fruits production are commonly depend on pollination, fertilization, and water relations (Iqbal et al., 2004). Most of the date palms produced in Egypt are grown in sandy, loam and sandy loam soils. The presence of certain types of element such as N, P, K, Mg and B may cause the soils become deficient. It has also been recorded that large amounts of macro and microelements are produce high amount of date fruita for every single year. It shows that the best source of organic matter comes from the macro and micro-minerals especially in producing fruit. Application of organic fertilizers was found to enhance as well as to increase the structural stability and lowered bulk density of the soil. It improved moisture retention, water infiltration rate and the hydraulic conductivity of soil. In Egypt, the total amount of garbage collected from cities and villages reaches nearly 15 million tons per year and the proportion of domestic refuse is estimated to be about 68% (Hassanein Kandil, 2007). This could be a source of organic fertilization, after suitable composting in fruit orchards. Furthermore, few studies have evaluated the effects of organic and mineral fertilizers on the quality characteristics of date fruits and the amount of prduction(Shahein et al., 2003Al-Kharusi et al., 2009). Minerals in the Date Fruits Phosphorus was determined in date fruits by ascorbic acid method. While flame photometer used in determining potassium content in date fruits. Element such as Pb, Cd, Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu contents were measured using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer (Model 305B). The concentrations of N, P, K, Ca and Mg were expressed as percentages, while Pb, Cd, Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu were expressed as parts per million (ppm) on dry weight basis in the previous researches. Fruit nitrate (NO3) and nitrite (NO2) contents were also been measured in that particular conducted research(Marzouk Kassem, 2010). Phoenix dactylifera Phoenix dactylifera is one of the oldest cultivated fruit crops. The date palm has long been harvested for its fleshy fruit which is a common food for many people at the residential of country such as North Africa and Arabia. There are a lof of different types of this species which each of them are grown for commercial purposes and perhaps making the date palm the second most familiar palm species after the coconut palm (Cocosnucifera). It grows with an imposing tall, slender, straight trunk with spiralling pattern on the bark, and long feather-like leaves. The common names of date palm are Palma dactylifera, Palma major, Phoenix atlantica var. maroccana, Phoenix chevalieri, Phoenix excelsior, Phoenix iberica and Phoenix major (Marzouk Kassem, 2010). Physiological Disorder of Date Palm Blacknose is the abnormally shriveled and darkened tip of date. The conditions that must be avoid too high humidity, excessive soil moisture especially at the stage of fruit development. Next is crosscut. It is a physiological disorder of fruit stalks. Crosscut or V-cuts are clean break in tissues of the fruit stalk bases and on fronds. Crop losses may be avoided by using non-susceptible varieties, or by reducing the number of fruit stalks in susceptible varieties. After that is whitenose. It is commonly occur in dry and prolonged wind. It causes rapid maturation of the fruit. The affected fruit becomes very dry, hard and has greater sugar content. Hydration may correct this condition in harvested fruits. Next, barhee disorder is unusual bending. The cause and the way to control of this disorder are unknown(Agriculture and Consumer Protection, 11 November 2014). Black scald is different from blacknose where it is a minor disorder. It consists of a blackened and sunken area with a definite line of demarcation. The disease usually appears on the tip or the sides of the fruit, and affected tissues have a bitter taste. The appearance of the disorder suggests exposure to high temperature, but the exact cause is not definitely known (Nixon, 1951). Then, bastard offshoot which is a deformed growth of date palm vegetative buds especially of offshoots fronds. It may be occur due to reduction in growth caused by an inequilibrium of growth regulators. After that is leaf apical drying that absolutely not a disease but a physiological reaction to transplantation of adult palms (injury of their root system). All palms with these symptoms recover within two to three years after their transplanting (Agriculture and Consumer Protection, 11 November 2014). Physiological disorders of date palm also include the fertilization injury. This type of injury is involving only with young tissue culture-derived palm plants (first two years after field planting) and when fertilizers (N, P, K) are applied too close to the palms stipe. The nature of fertilizers is not the cause, but rather how close to the stipe the fertilizer was applied. If the damage is severe, it could cause the death of the young palm (Agriculture and Consumer Protection, 11 November 2014). Lack or excess of water can cause the date palm having a physiological disorder. The growth of the date palm is highly affected by variations in water availability and the water content of the soil. A decrease in yield or complete failure in fruit production could result from these water variations. Although date palms are resistant to flooding, healthy growth of palms requires a well-drained soil, and it is clear that irrigation must always go hand in hand with drainage. Serious losses, sometimes irreversible may occur in neglected date plantations. In such cases signs of decline appear on palms favored by root penetration of numerous saprophytes and parasites that could lead to the death of palms (Agriculture and Consumer Protection, 11 November 2014). 3.6AAS Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy in analytical chemistry is a technique for determining the concentration of a particular metal element within a sample. This spectroscopic instrument involving atomic emission which is the flame test. When a small amount of a solution of a metal ion is placed in the flame of a Bunsen burner, the flame turns a color that is characteristic of the metal ion. A sodium solution gives a yellow color, a potassium solution results in a violet color and a copper solution gives a green color. Hollow Cathode Lamp is one of the instrument components in AAS. It is the light source and the exactly light required for analysis although no monochromator is used. The reason for this is that atoms of the metal to be tested are present within the lamp, and when the lamp is on, these atoms are supplied with energy, which causes them to elevate to the excited states. Upon returning to the ground state, exactly the same wavelengths that are useful in the analysis are emitted, since it is the analyzed metal with exactly the same energy levels that undergoes excitation. The AAS instrument is as follows. Figure 1: Schematic diagram of AAS instrumentation. 4.0Problem Statement Mineral composition in soil important for plants which affect the production of fruits. Thus, it is needed to determine the types of mineral that suitable for fruits, for example the date fruits. There are cases where the date palm from the same area can produce fruit while some of the plants have no fruit. It could be happened because the soils are from different sources during plantation process and it also has different composition of minerals. Since the date fruits production might be related to the composition of minerals in soil, the determination of minerals in soils and date fruits have to be conducted in order to study the correlation between them. Objective The objectives in conducting this research are: To determine the minerals contain in the soil from date palm. To determine the minerals contain in date fruits. To find the correlation between the minerals in the soil and the minerals in date fruits.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Conrads Heart Of Darknesss :: essays research papers

Quinn on Heart of Darkness We cannot read Quinn’s Ishmael without re-evaluating ourselves. Quinn confronts us with powerful revelations about mankind. According to Quinn, if we continue to live in our taker lifestyles, we will eventually destroy ourselves. Conrad’s Heart of Darkness illustrates a real life manifestation of Quinn’s insights. Written nearly a century ago, Conrad’s tale of early English imperialistic taker lifestyle still resembles present day taker lifestyle. We still try to rule other lands and people. We still have the attitude that everything centers on man. We still exhaust Earth’s resources and kill its creations. Above all, we still do all this with ignorance. With Ishmael as a guide, we can better understand how Conrad’s more intricate story critiques taker lifestyle. Laying out the major issues in Ishmael will reveal insight to the imagery and symbolism in Heart of Darkness. Quinn states that man believes that the leaver community to be â€Å"a place of lawless chaos and savage, relentless competition, where every creature goes in terror of its life† (Quinn 117). Not until takers conquer these places of â€Å"lawless chaos† can these lands be â€Å"paradise for man† (222). Until then, these lands and its inhabitants are wrenched and in the wrong. Conrad establishes this mentality at the beginning of Heart of Darkness. We are instantly aware of the imagery of dark and light. Traditionally, dark represents evil and light represents good. Conrad begins with associating savagery with darkness and civilization with light. Conrad’s protagonist, Marlow, explains his version of the origin of England. He asserts to his shipmates, â€Å"[W]hen the Romans first came here, nineteen hundred years ago†¦ Light came out of this river [Thames] since†¦. But darkness was here yesterday† (Conrad 3). Takers demand that everyone an d everything must be civilized. To takers, â€Å"civilize† means living by their beliefs and their lifestyle. Like gods, takers believe â€Å"they know what is right and what is wrong to do, and what they’re doing is right† (Quinn 167). Everything and everyone is to live the taker lifestyle because that lifestyle is the right way to live. Oddly enough, the taker culture actually performs the exact opposite results from what it attempts to accomplish. As Ishmael preaches, â€Å"everything was in good order. It was the Takers who introduced disorder into the world† (146). When man thought he was not exempt from the laws of nature, he and everything was fine.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Democrat vs. Republican

Democrat vs. Republican The Democratic and Republican parties remain important organizing structures for politics in the United States. Both Democratic and Republican also write party platforms, setting out the party’s goals and policy positions. A party’s platform is not binding on its nominees, platform planks are largely symbolic, and the often provide heated arguments and provide distinct differences between the parties to present to voters.The Democratic platform is that if America is to secure prosperity, progress, peace, and security for all we cannot afford to go back, we must move forward together and we must not leave anyone behind. The Republican Platform is uplifting and visionary. The Democratic Party traces its origins back to Thomas Jefferson’s Democratic- Republican Party, acquiring its current name under Andrew Jackson in 1828. It also pressed the state to choose presidential electors by popular vote rather than by state legislatures.The Republic an Party traces its origins to the anti-slavery and national forces that united in the 1850s and nominated Abraham Lincoln for president in 1860. The Difference between the Republican Party and Democratic Party is like the sun and moon. (It comes up and it goes down). According to the text book, â€Å"The Republican Party believes the federal government should be small and ruled by the wealthy elite† (p. 476 – 504), and secondly according to the website on who do you believe, â€Å"the republican party believe that that your property is yours and you have the basic right to make use of it without unreasonable government restrictions†.While on the other hand, â€Å"the Democratic Party believes the federal government should be big and ruled by elected representatives† (p. 494). The type of government they desire is the type our constitution gives us, a Republic, and the methods they are using to achieve their goals are conservative, and secondly the Democr atic Party believe that the government has the right to regulate the use of private property in accordance with narrow special interests without giving just compensation to owners. The two platforms are also starkly different on the abortion issue.The Republican Platform states that â€Å"the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed. † And for the Democratic Party platforms states that â€Å"a woman's right to choose to abort the child†. The similarities between Democratic and Republican party, I believe that both parties has been representing the interest of liberals and that is a shame because liberals ideals promote freedom, human rights, worker's rights, a clean environment, and greater economic opportunities for all Americans. And both parties are led by people who vote for their own raises.Even some of their idea sometimes may seem wrong, but they do what is best for their people. Sources Difference between Democratic and Republican. Who do you believe? Access on September 9, 2010. Lowi Theodore J. , Ginsberg Benjamin, and Shepsle Kenneth A. American Government: Power and Purpose. 10th ed. W. W. Norton and Company New York, 2008. Lowi Theodore J. , Ginsberg Benjamin, and Shepsle Kenneth A. American Government: Power and Purpose. 10th ed. W. W. Norton and Company Inc. New York, 2008. Page 476-504

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Government Should Intervene Essays

The Government Should Intervene Essays The Government Should Intervene Paper The Government Should Intervene Paper The three most important ways the government should intervene with the economy is through social programs, health and safety controls and environment protection. Government funded social programs are essential for an economy and a country as a whole to prosper. Some of the social-insurance programs in place are welfare, pension and disability. Some citizens are unable to work because of old age, a disability or unemployment. There has to be government support to help people get through hard times, or retirement. Health care that is available to everyone, no matter who you are, is also important. In the United States some people can’t receive proper treatment due to the extreme costs. This produces huge amounts of money for the capitalists in health care, however it is an un-fair system of health care. The Canadian health care system, even though it doesn’t produce the profit, as does the United States health care system, keeps its citizens healthy due to the â€Å"free† health care. Environment protection is also another key factor a government must take into consideration. In many capitalists pursuit for profit corners are cut on the environment. The Canadian government has many good laws for environmental protection such as tree re-planting. Without this our forests would be completely depleted. The three least important ways the government should intervene with the economy is through the private sector, innovation and makes production more efficient. The private sector has to be government free, except for some regulations such as minimum wage and fair-ness laws (prevent false advertising and un-fair hiring). For an economy to prosper to its maximum potential it must have as little government intervention so it can play itself out. This is usually always a good thing because it gives consumer choice, dollar voting and competition. However, these positives virtues may also turn bad, such as competition. If competition becomes so intense that one company owns all of the means of production for that product then that company can control the market. By controlling the market they are free to charge whatever they want for their product, this is known as a monopoly. With private ownership comes efficiency because producers want to maximize their profit by keeping their overhead costs low. The government must also intervene as little as possible with the innovation industry, except to place safety laws such as testing on animals. If a person is going to create a new product there can’t be so many laws that the person is narrowed down to one or two products. The choice has to be unlimited so the innovator can create whatever the consumers are demanding.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

2.2 Mapping Earths Surface Essay Example

2.2 Mapping Earths Surface Essay Example 2.2 Mapping Earths Surface Paper 2.2 Mapping Earths Surface Paper map A flat model of all or part of Earth’s surface as seen from above. key A list of the symbols used on a map. globe A sphere that represents Earth’s entire surface. degree A unit used to measure distances around a circle. One degree equals 1/360 of a full circle. equator An imaginary line that circles Earth halfway between the North and South poles. symbol On a map, pictures used by mapmakers to stand for features on Earth’s surface. hemisphere One half of the sphere that makes up Earth’s surface. longitude The distance in degrees east or west of the prime meridian. latitude The distance in degrees north or south of the equator. Prime Meridian The line that makes a half circle from the North Pole to the South Pole and that passes through Greenwich, England. scale Used to compare distance on a map or globe to distance on Earth’s surface.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Comparative Error Analysis of Public and Private High School Students Thesis

Comparative Error Analysis of Public and Private High School Students - Thesis Example y significant difference in academic success rates of students who attend well funded private schools as opposed to students who attend public schools that are under-funded. In this light, high school students schooling in the different setups will definitely exhibit differentiated results and characteristics based on the intricacies of the different schooling schemes. For instance, students in private schools go through a curriculum determined by the board while their counterparts in public schools use a curriculum determined by the national educational standards (Bryk, Lee, and Holland, 45-46). This inadvertently implies that the results from the different students get affected. Private schools focus on passing exams while as public schools focus on completing the syllabus. In addition, given that private students fundamentally run on money collected from the student’s school fees, the quality of education is thereby determined by this. This means the student is a product of the school he or she attends. Public schools get equal funding from the relevant government agencies. With a high level of standardization and policies the quality of educa tion becomes leveled (Epstein, 34-35). High school students attending private schools are so focused on passing exams while those in public schools focus on learning a myriad of other skills as opposed to education alone based on the curriculum and associated policies. The effect of funding (independent variable) on academic success (dependent variable). Lack of adequate funding in the public schools makes the public students to perform dismmaly in the academic endeavors. On the other hand, private schools generate adequate funding through a variety of different sources including students’ tuition fees, endowments and grants. This makes students to excell in studies due to adequate provision of learning materials. Besides, curriculum development (independent variable) also impacts on the students educational

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Learning many languages in the future Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Learning many languages in the future - Essay Example It is significant to point out where the problem lies in the language acquisition domains. The concern with people around the world is that they do not let their children learn many languages as they have distinctive dispositions and viewpoints. It is a problem because the parents do not realize that if they disallow their young ones from learning new languages, they are in essence asking them not to move ahead in life – both personally as well as professionally. There is an ignorant vibe that can be collected from the domains of the parents as they intend to upgrade the lives of their children. However what they seem to forget is the fact that these children have to see the new age which these parents might not be able to make it through. Since the children will be alive even after the parents have long gone by from this world, they need to set up a proper basis for their growth and development. This can be done when they allow their children to learn new languages and unders tand for their own selves how they will view life their own way. What is even more surprising is the fact that the parents have earmarked certain languages for their children and would forbid them to learn others. This is a negative approach as has been comprehended with the passage of time. The parents are perhaps feeling that their children are overburdened with studies already and if they try their hand at learning a new language, they will have an even harder time. What they seem to forget is the fact that the parents have a definite role under such scenarios. They need to make efforts to settle the difficulties once and for all. Learning new languages is not a negative aspect; rather it should be seen in a positive way. If they learn new languages, they will be at a benefit as compared to the people who do not have any know-how regarding a specific dictum. The most basic problem is that the parents do not understand the very problem. If realization of the problem is done, perha ps many things can be handled in an amicable fashion but unfortunately this is not the case. As (Paton 2012) depicts, â€Å"The number of schoolchildren shunning the subjects between the age of 14 and 16 has more than doubled since the late 90s, it was revealed.† In this day and age, learning new languages ensure that the children stay one step ahead of many of their colleagues and have an advantage over others when it comes to their professional domains and settings. Hence only when the problem is identified, can there be a solution found for it. Sadly and quite rightly so, the parents are unwary of the fact that their young ones are feeling left behind in this global rat race to reach the top and learning new languages can benefit them like none other. Also, (Paton 2012) believes that â€Å"The drop has been particularly marked in French and German – traditionally the two most popular languages at school – with both being named among the fastest declining sub jects at GCSE level last summer.† In essence, the cause of the problem revolves around the fact that parents have a non-serious role within such matters. They are the ones who would not let their young ones learn a new language merely because they would feel that by learning a new language, their children will be burdened immensely. Also the reason for this lies in the

Thursday, October 31, 2019

American Government Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

American Government - Personal Statement Example In the United States, according to PLU (n.d.), President Bush has been an advocate of pro-outsourcing policies and supporter of free trade. The President believes that the country benefits from outsourcing in the long run although there are short-run disadvantages in the system. Bush’s administration calls the system as a new way of doing international business. Crisis created by outsourcing. The Heffner’s (2010) study said that over the past years, 3.7 million manufacturing job in the U.S. have been lost because the workers cannot compete with the rate of third world’s wages. For example, he cited the salary of an engineer in US is $100,000, while this amount is already equivalent of 3 engineers in the third world. Hemphil (n.d.) calculated the cost of IT and telecommunication work in US as $100 per hour while same work could be done in India or China at $20 per hour. Rees, 2004, an author of labor policies, said that the effect of outsourcing was felt by employ ees who lost their jobs, and to others who were forced to accept low paying jobs because of changes. There are also social costs and disadvantages caused by painful dislocations and separation of families. On the government side, the government tends to lose income taxes for jobs outsourced in other countries plus the investment and capital transferred elsewhere.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Jainism, Buddhism, and Hinduism Essay Example for Free

Jainism, Buddhism, and Hinduism Essay Jainism, Buddhism, and Hinduism, three of the world’s most dynamic and ancient religions developed in India around the same time. Though each borrowed from, evolved because of, or came into conflict with each other: Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism are more than religions, but cross-sections of an entire culture and time period. Jainism, Buddhism, and Hinduism have many a huge impact on eastern life as we know it. The interactions between humans and environment that these religions have had have been phenomenal. Jainism being the oldest of the three has 12-18 million followers(jaindharmonline.com). Jain migrated from India to other countries beginning with them migrating to Britain and British colonies. In the beginning, a number of â€Å"Gujarati† Jains migrated to coastal towns of East Africa and later moved inland, particularly to Kenya, to open businesses. The Jain community in India represents an affluent and influential minority of the population.Jains now mostly reside in north-east Africa. Buddhism, on the other hand, is the sixth largest religion by population. It has about 367 million followers and is7% of the worlds population(cia.gov). Buddhism spread along land routes of the Silk Road, it underwent profound change. There were great overland trade routes in those days and in later centuries too, that joined China even to the Mediterranean. Along these routes Buddhism spread to northwest India and beyond, along the east-west Silk Route. Hinnduisms origin is much more shrouded though, in terms of its religious development there are now two basic theories that attempt to explain how Hinduism first developed within India, and they both draw on the famous â€Å"ekam sat viprah bahudah vandanti verse† for their effectiveness. One suggests that at some time towards the end of the Indus Valley Civilization a group of nomadic people called the Aryans moved into northern India from the steppes of central Europe or even Asia Minor while the other theory suggests that Hinduism emerged out of India itself(Dasa). The beliefs for these three religions are mostly the same in essence, they were all founded on the beliefs of peace and prosperity. They are also known as â€Å"The Paths of Enlightenment†. Hinduism ,though believed by many to be a polytheistic religion, the basis of Hinduism is the belief in the unity of everything. This totality is called Brahman. The purpose of life is to realize that we are part of God and by doing so we can leave this plane of existence and rejoin with God. This enlightenment can only be achieved by going through cycles of birth, life and death known as samsara. Ones progress towards enlightenment is measured by his karma. This is the accumulation of all ones good and bad deeds and this determines the persons next reincarnation. Jainism has many similarities to Hinduism and Buddhism which developed in the same part of the world. They believe in karma and reincarnation as do Hindus, but they believe that enlightenment and liberation from this cycle can only be achieved through asceticism. In Buddhism, nirvana is freedom from the cycle of rebirth, when a being turns into a state of non-being, or Sunya, looses its identity and becomes nothing. These religions were all derived out of India which used the caste system for their government. The buildings made for these religions were all complex and amazing in nature. Buddhists temples were mostly built in natural environments, such as forests and tops of hills. Hindu temples were built in more urban environments and used red paints for most of their buildings and temples. And Jain temples were also built in more urban places and used beige and gold paints for their buildings and temples. These religions expanded in many different ways, they all originated in India, and started spreading throughout the world. The two that are most know today are Hinduism and Buddhism, Jainism still has about 16 million followers though. Buddhist temples were built along the Silk Road for prayer for the travelers. Hindu kept most of their temples inside of India unlike the Jainist that moved to northern Africa. It spread outside of Magadha starting in the Buddhas lifetime, and with the reign of the Buddhist Mauryan Emperor Asoka, spread across Nepal straight down to China and all the way to Japan and became one of the dominant religions in these parts of Asia(Chung).Hinduism is a religion] of the Indian subcontinent of India, with 80.5% of the population identifying themselves as Hindus. The vast majority of Hindus in India belong to Vaishnavite and Shaivite denominations(Thompson Patts) As part of the reaction against Hinduism during its early years, Buddhism rejected the caste system and other forms of social stratification and instead set up an essentially egalitarian society. There are only two religiously important social groups: the monks, who have dedicated their lives to full time pursuit of religious goals, and everyone else. The monks, as a group, are called the sangha(uwacadweb.uwyo.edu). When the Aryans moved into northwest India, they imposed a caste system to organize the new society created by their arrival. The Hindus then put together a hierarchy of four varnas, which later was expanded to include a fifth category. The caste system, which the Hindus followed, initially served to maintain rigid social boundaries between the invaders and the previous inhabitants. By 80 A. D. the Jains were divided into two sects. The Svetambara or white clad live mainly in northern India today(Sprunger). They are more liberal in their interpretation of Mahavirals teaching regarding nudity and allow their monks to wear a white garment. Women are also allowed in their religion and monasteries accepting the possibility that they may find salvation(Sprunger).

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Blocking of Viber in Saudi Arabia

The Blocking of Viber in Saudi Arabia Mansour Alaithan Ali alakalifa INTRODUCTION What’s Viber ? Viber  is a app for instant messaging  also for Voice over IP  (VoIP) for smart phones  owned by Viber Media. Not only voice messaging but also users able send and receive images, video and audio media messages, Viber was founded by four  Israeli partners and they are Talmon Marco, Igor Megzinik, Sani Maroli and Ofer Smocha. Viber Mediais registered as a Cyprus company in  Las Vegas  and its development centers located in Belarus  and  Israel. The foundeders of the company are Talmon Marco  and Igor Megzinik, who are friends from the  Israel Defense Forces. The company is running from Israel, with lot of the app’s developments outsourced to Belarus in order to lower labor-costs. It was founded in 2010, with the four Israeli co-owner of the company who have each increased their exploitation by more than 30 times on the startups $900 million sale to  Rakuten. What happened? In March Saudi government have warned encrypted messaging services like Viber and others that would be blocked if they don’t provided a means to be monitored. The head manager Marco had refused to provide the requested data to Saudi officials. It was expected that Vibers free voice calls and text messaging service is no longer working in Saudi Arabia is not entirely unexpected. Telecoms regulator of Saudi Arabia had warned them also warned Skype and WhatsApp .they would be blocked if they did not provide the date requested . Saudis and expatriates that lives in Saudi Arabia were prompted by this warning to protest against this move. Others started to censor their messages, in case they were already being monitored. The head manager told BBC that Saudi IPS and mobile operator begun to asking for information about the internal workings of the service a couple of months ago of that time . Circumventing the problem: Marco said Viber had faced the same problem of blocking the app in other county. There, he said he believed the motive was political, but in Saudi Arabia it was unclear whether commercial interests might also be at stake. Marco ( the head of the messaging application) Viber has said people in Saudi Arabia have had basic freedoms taken away, after his service was blocked there. So we face here a freedom of speech problem . The head manager Marco told the BBC he did not know the reason for the move, but that Viber would be restored soon. So this problem rises couple of question, like what is the meaning of freedom of speech, what are the limits and law in Saudi Arabia, and what the ethical issue did Viber rises by not providing information. what is the meaning of freedom of speech Freedom of speechis the civil right to connect ones opinions and ideas. The word freedom of expressionis occasionally used synonymously, but contains any act of seeking, getting and telling information or ideas, nevertheless the medium used. Rules restrict speech with varying limits. Common limits on speech relate to slander, libel,  obscenity,  sedition,  pornography, incitement,  fighting words,  classified information,  hate speech,  copyright violation,  trade secrets,  non-disclosure agreements,  right to be forgotten,  right to privacy, public security,  public nuisance,  public order, campaign finance reform  and  oppression. Whether these limits can be defensible under the harmbe contingent upon whether manipulating a third partys opinions or activities harmfully to the second party founds such harm or not. The words offense principle is also usedto grow the range of free speech limits to forbid forms of expression where they are measured offensive to people, different interest groups or persons. For example, freedom of speech is limited in many rules to broadly different grades bysystems, religiousor  incitement to ethnic or racial hatredrules. Privacy Privacy is the gift of an individual or group to separate themselves, or information about themselves, and thereby definite themselves selectively. The limits and content of what is measured private vary among cultures and individuals, but share common themes. When something is private to a person, it usually means that something is integrally special or sensitive to them. The domain of privacy partly overlays security, which can include the ideas of appropriate use, as well as defense of information. Privacy may also take the procedure of bodily integrity. The right not to be subjected to illegal invasion of privacy by the government, businesses or individuals is part of many countries privacy laws, and in some cases, compositions. Almost all countries have laws which in some way bound privacy. An example of this would be law concerning assessment, which normally require the distribution of information about personal income or earnings. In some countries individual privacy may clash with freedom of speech laws and some laws may need public expose of information which would be measured private in other countries and cultures. Privacy may be willingly sacrificed, normally in exchange for professed benefits and very often with exact dangers and losses, while this is a very strategic view of human relations. In the business world, a person may agree personal details (frequently for advertising purposes) in order to bet on winning a prize. Private information which is voluntarily shared but then stolen or misused can chief to identity theft. what are the limits and law in Saudi Arabia Human rights in Saudi Arabia are proposed to be created on the Hanbali Islamic religious laws under complete rule of the Saudi royal family. Saudi Arabia has a Counter-Radicalization Program the drive of which is to fight the spread and appeal of intemperate beliefs among the general populous and to impart the true values of the Islamic faith, such as tolerance and moderation. This tolerance and control has been termed into problem by The Baltimore Sun, based on the reports from Amnesty International regarding Raif Badawi. Speech, the press and other methods of communicative media, containing television and radio broadcasting and Internet reception, are actively censored by the government to prevent political opposition and anything deemed, by the government, to be offensive to the Wahhabi culture or Islamic morality. In 2008, a noticeable Saudi blogger and reformist Fouad al-Farhan was caged for posting comments online that were dangerous of Saudi business, religious and media figures, signifying a move by the government to step up its censorship polices of the Internet within its limits. Online social media has progressively come under government search for dealing with the forbidden topics. In 2010 a Saudi man was punished and given jail time for his sexually suggestive YouTube video making. That same year another man was also caged and ordered to pay a fine for arrogant about his sex life on television. And there is a lot of other examples happened with similar problems. It show that the low in Saudi Arabia does not tolerate any action that against the religion or the security of the country in anyway and allowing a free call like Viber and other that share tons of information without being monitor by the government is can cause an infringement of the rules in Saudi Arabia . That’s add a pros to the Saudi Arabia side that they have a right to ask for information. It’s the country rights to track down and search for crimes and protect the religions lows. But still one problem is the privacy of the people and that’s a pros in Viber side. So how this issue is unethical to privacy and what are the limits and the concept of privacy in Saudi Arabia Privacy in Saudi Arabia Data Safety under Shariah Values Shariah ethics protect each individual’s right to privacy and forbid any assaults thereon. In Shariah principles, revelation of secrets is forbidden except inter alia where the owner of the relevant secret agrees to such confession or if the public attention requires so. The Holy Qu’ran and the Sunnah do not specify a consequence for revelation of secrets; however, as clarified above, such release may be punishable by a value that a judge, in his discretion, deems right and fair. Such consequence may include a fine, imprisonment or scarcity of certain rights such as suspension of a practicing license. Data Protection under Saudi Arabian Law In general, there is no exact data protection law in KSA. Therefore, in the absence of specific necessities on data protection, Saudi Arabian courts and adjudicatory bodies will understand data privacy abuses under general Shariah principles, which are, as described above, often sent in general terms and afford courts and adjudicatory bodies huge discretion. We understand, however, that a new individual data protection law is under review by the Shura Council Discussions and Recommendations The Saudi government should have the right to protect its people and the whole system. Meanwhile the Viber wants to give the privacy to its user which is what people needs. Saudi Arabia follows the Shariah which proved the privacy to people , and that why it should and not block it just to monitor the users private message in KSA , and by return it and unblock the service , they’ve done the right thing . Conclusions Saudi Arabia tried to provide the security to people but did not puts in count the other basic fundamental right which is providing privacy to people. References: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-22806848 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viber#Company http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights_in_Saudi_Arabia#Freedom_of_press_and_communication Data Protection in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: A Primer Noor Al-Fawzan and Omar Elsayed

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Great Gatsby Essay -- Literary Analysis, F. Scott Fitzgerald

In the 1920s the values and morals of the majority of America were changing from very conservative to extremely liberal. People became more interested in what benefited them most, while disregarding what the cost would be. This is what essentially gave this era the title of â€Å"The Roaring Twenties†. The total rebellion of people changing from having a great set of morals and values to being corrupt and materialistic entirely reshaped the start of this era. In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald uses Nick Carraway to show the worldly view of what good values and morals should be against the skewed values of Tom Buchanan and Jay Gatsby. Nick Carraway is portrayed by Fitzgerald as a small town guy from the Middle West that, while purpose-driven, isn’t focused as much on being wealthy as being successful. This is very evident when Nick’s new house is introduced. He describes it by saying, My house was an eye-sore, but it was a small eye-sore and had been overlooked so I had a view of the water, a partial view of my neighbor’s lawn and the consoling proximity of millionaires – all for eighty dollars a month (Fitzgerald 9-10). Nick knows he does not have the biggest and best house on the block, and he doesn’t really care. He takes pride in the fact that he is making away for himself and getting to live in a first class neighborhood. Harold Bloom supports this when he says, â€Å"Compared to Jay Gatsby and Tom Buchanan, Nick has modest means and modest desires† (1). These quotes both back up the fact that Nick is not a money-craving American. He is content with where he is in his life. Nick was also taught to be non-judgmental and to use his mind to succeed. The readers see this when Nick repeats father’s is advise when he is younger an... ...ay the wide difference between good and right morals and values of the 1920s and corrupt and superficial morals and values of that era. The â€Å"Roaring Twenties† was becoming full of people that are focused solely on satisfying their own wants and desires, instead of what would propel them further in life. The world had just gotten out of a war and was enjoying every minute of its life. It was a total change from people who had been extremely conservative, always living life by the book, to a whole new generation of liberals who would change the way Americans lived their life. Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby is a great example of the diversity of values at that time. He made sure to include every criteria, from old money to new money, humbleness and pride, and true love versus love for money, these are all aspects that help to form a persons morals and values.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Response Journal for “Boys and Girls” by Alice Munro Essay

Alice Munro’s â€Å"Boys and Girls† tries to view a young girl’s rite of passage into womanhood, through a limited feminist perspective. The narrator battles with conformity on a 1940’s Canadian Fox Farm. As this time period was still centred on male dominance, her desire to become a powerful woman wastes away when she finally submits to the rules that society has imposed on her. The story is written in first person narration and is seen through the eyes of a young and free-spirited girl. The themes of this story are self-discovery, stereotypes, and rebellion. To portray these themes, literary devices such as allusion, similes and situational irony were used. Allusion is present in the line â€Å"his favourite book in the world was Robinson Crusoe,† as the author attempts to portray the father’s inventive nature by relating it to a well-known novel. Similes can be seen in the narrator’s descriptions of her environment as she states that the â€Å"snowdrifts curled around the house like sleeping whales,† to bring to attention the howling of the winds. Situational irony is evident throughout the story because the narrator despises her mother for being a woman and working in the house, but in the end, she too develops into a woman and takes on the roles of the title. This story of inequality between the sexes appropriately opens with a detailed account of the narrator’s father. The narrator describes every aspect of her father’s life, including his occupation, and even his friends. Throughout this first part of the story, the narrator’s mother is virtually inexistent, outside her disapproval of her husband’s pelting business. The reader is left uncertain about the mother’s whereabouts, but is aware that the father figure is somewhat of an idol in the narrator’s mind. As a young girl, the narrator, holding on to her carefree spirit and strong sense of individualism, is unaware of the constraints of her gender. Although she is the main character, the narrator is not given a name. This seems to enhance her lack of purpose in society, and stresses that the attitude of the narrator is not that of just one woman, but women in general. Munro’s decision to allow the narrator to remain nameless assists in the progress and significance of the character. The narrator’s brother, however, is given the name of Laird. Synonymous with â€Å"lord,† the boy’s name plays an important role in outlining the rules society has forced upon the narrator. This name symbolizes society’s favouritism towards men, and how the male child was superior in the eyes of the parents. The fact that the narrator remained anonymous, whilst her brother was given the name of Lord, signifies the difference between the sexes at the time. It is quite odd that Munro used the girl to portray the feelings of female stereotyping of this story. Munro captures the attention of her audience through the lines, â€Å"It was an odd thing to see my mother down at the barn. She did not often come out of the house unless it was to do something- hang out the wash or dig potatoes in the garden.† These lines are full of sexism and serve only to relay the common roles that women were forced into. Although aware that the girl would much rather spend time with her father, the family constantly attempts to encourage her to act as a proper girl should. The fact that the narrator idolizes her father, just provides further proof of her strive to gain equality. As the girl grows older, the pressure from her family becomes more intense. The narrator’s grandmother comes off as the perfect example of the how women were thought of at the time. Having been raised in a time where the rules imposed on women were even stricter, the grandmother best voices what the attitude of a girl should be. The narrator, however, refuses to listen to the advice offered to her, and responds with defiance. The girl still seems to believe that if she does not conform to society’s rules, she can hold on to her freedom and will somehow be able to escape with her individuality. It is only through the killing of the horse, Flora, that the narrator finally assumes her appropriate gender roles and enters her rite of passage. To help Flora escape her inevitable fate, the narrator leaves the gate open. It seems as though the narrator believed that it was the gate that held Flora back from the freedom she was entitled to. Flora, however, could never escape her fate and was eventually caught and killed. Through Flora’s death,  the narrator comes to realize that her acts of disobedience will always be in vain because her fate is unavoidable. The gate symbolizes the girl’s hope of liberation outside of the farm. The war against society could not be won, so she gives up and proceeds to help her mother with dinner. By assuming the roles of a woman, she completes her rite of passage into womanhood. The killing of Flora also leads to Laird’s rite of passage, though in his case this is the cause of different reasoning. Whereas the narrator learns that she cannot escape her fate, Laird visualizes a new life for himself. He reaches maturity by priding himself in his kill, symbolized by the horse’s blood. He boasts to his mother about the blood on his arm, and feels as though he is finally man enough to stand beside his dad. This is part of the symbolism behind the name â€Å"Boys and Girls,† as the contrasting natures of the two children are portrayed. In order to advance her feminist viewpoint, Munro touches upon only the minor aspects of the female stereotypes. She focuses on the girl’s newfound interest for fashion, beauty and decor to portray her femininity, rather than the harsher traits that were frequently placed on women. The author uses this limited feminism to stress the fact that this protest and change were the actions of a mere child that had not yet seen the full effects of prejudice. When taking into consideration the time period and setting, it can be clearly understood why the narrator and her brother both conformed to their gender-specific roles. As the world entered into the Second World War, women replaced their husbands in the workforce and started gaining recognition. However, because this story takes place in the rural side of Canada, the war’s social impact does not seem to have yet reached this area. The narrator’s mother being just a simple housewife causes the narrator to have a negative bias towards her, illustrating how women are looked down upon by society. Through her ultimate disapproval of her father’s inhumane occupation, the narrator reveals a side that is driven by emotion. Her concern for the helpless animal’s well-being displays her affectionate and loving character. Alice Munro’s story of â€Å"Boys and Girls† is an enlightening tale of the struggle that each child undergoes in discovering their own identity. The author insists throughout the story that the narrator’s acceptance of her place in society is influenced by her family and setting. Her resistance is useless because she has no choice but to conform into a proper woman. She is forced to hide her yearning for individualism in order to be socially acceptable. Current literature uses the feminist approach to convey the views of oppressed women, but Munro’s use of the limited amount of feminism allows the reader to make up their own opinion on the matter.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Celebrity Culture Sociology Essay Sample

Celebrity Culture Sociology Essay Sample The Celebrity Culture Sociology Essay The Celebrity Culture Sociology Essay The celebrity culture continues to be elevated significantly. The culture, which according to Marshall (2006) involves the elevation of personalities into the public limelight, has become deeply entrenched in societies, which is partly so due to the role played by it in the mass media. In the past, avenues such as TV and radio stations were the most popular channels. However, in the present times, technology has opened its doors for the use of social media to propagate the culture in various ways. The current paper explores para-social interaction, celebrity status and political power, van Krieken’s celebrity society, new social media, celebrities, as well as religion and celebrities. Para-Social Interaction Among the most notable features of the new mass media is the face-to-face illusion created by the performing artists. The circumstances of responses to the celebrities are comparable to those across primary groups (Donald, Wohl 2006). Thus, viewers perceive the illustrious artists as if they are within the same sphere. Hence, the para-social relationship is defined by the personal association that the new mass media creates. For example, if looking at television shows, the image that is presented relies on appearance and gesture nuances which capture attention of ordinary social imaginations. In the above mentioned instances, actors often face spectators and employ directness in addressing or talking. The approach influences the latter into thinking that they are directly engaged, at a personal level. On its part, the audience responds by actively participating in the shows through subtle insinuations. The process goes on, as performers alter their behaviours to suit their audiences , and vice versa. The conversational simulacrum, involving ‘give and take’, constitutes para-social interaction (Donald, Wohl 2006). Such interactions are not subject to sense, effort and responsibility governance on the audience. Spectators are free to withdraw from engagement any moment. However, if the involvement continues, the relationship provides a framework for adding some fantasy. Differences are encountered based on experiences which often demonstrate the lack of reciprocity, although the audience can do nothing about the concern. The audience is also at a disadvantage because it can only withdraw from engagements, if unsatisfied. In the present times, programs full of celebrity rumors keep increasing. In such shows, petty issues form the agenda for discussion. Surprisingly, large numbers of people are addicted to following the programs for entertainment or to catch up on fashion trends. In this regard, the social relationship conveys a message that largely centers on challenging social norms. Thus, individuals who feel that the time has come to escape from the confines of routine are more likely to find the shows attractive. In the case of radio and TV, the persona reflects archetypal indigenous individual of the scene that the media presents (Donald, Wohl 2006). Besides attempting to portray the character as familiar and intimate, pervasiveness and closeness are also thoroughly put into consideration. Surprisingly, such personae claim they have intimacy with crowds, comprising of strangers. Hence, the intimacy is an imitation that is aimed at satisfying the protracted goals. Nevertheless, the high number of recipients seems happy about the association. The fact that the members who form the audience are invited using some informal channels show that celebrities are interested in ‘deceiving’ them into believing that they are relating at a personal level. Thus, through the creation and enhancement of fantasy, celebrities are in a position to generate many followers who ensure that the culture is sustained. The intimacy bond is integral for the development of a personal relationship between the celebrity and audience (Donald, Wohl 2006). The bottom-line lies in the creation of an intimacy illusion, since the relationship between the two parties is definitely one-sided. In creating the illusionary image, the persona duplicates gestures and conversational styles that are visible only in face-to-face encounters. The trend accounts for the high level of casualness that invitations of concerts take. The idea is to create an impression among fans that they are engaged personally. Similarly, spectators maintain small talks that demonstrate that indeed the connection is individual-based. Celebrity Status Political Power Both social and political fields keep changing with time. In the present times, celebrities are using their popularity or elevated images to influence public opinion. Given the high level of fame that such personalities enjoy, their public utterances on various issues normally alter the way the public assesses matters proposed or supported by politicians (Merkel 2013). It is apparent that celebrities have the public attention. Hence, when they raise objections to matters affecting the people, chances of swaying opinions increase significantly. Despite the growing influence of celebrities, it is arguable that their power does not match that of politicians in shaping public opinion on governance issues. On the contrary, celebrities seem to hold more power regarding social matters, such as fashion. Nevertheless, their role in politics continues to rise. Arnold Schwarzenegger is one of the most notable celebrities who have managed to take their influence from the celebrity status to publ ic office. The need for information is central towards the decision whether celebrities should play a role in politics. Given that information is useful in decision-making, the public needs its possession to arrive at sound choices. However, not all the individuals are equally informed. As a result, such persons are likely to make poorly deliberated decisions and celebrities emerge and influence them. However, such occurrences always happen, given the fact that high levels of apathy continue to affect many democracies. The implication is that the influence from celebrities on politics is growing in stature, although it might not inform audiences on what is right. In practice, celebrity figures are more likely to support their friends, instead of important issues or principles. However, in cases where celebrities base their support for issues on principle, they are likely to have a significant influence on politics. Another concern is that celebrity influence might deny a common person of a chan ce to assess issues being addressed by blindly taking the position being supported by the popular stars (Merkel 2013). Taking into consideration that a big percentage of people do not follow political debates, they are highly likely to take similar positions of those taken by celebrity figures. The connection between celebrities and politics lies on the former’s ability to provoke both positive and negative reactions on social and political matters. However, sometimes they exploit their statuses to access certain provisions or privileges, as well as support from political figures in a bid to further their personal political activism. According to Merkel (2013), celebrity power is viewed in terms of the possessions of popular personalities that allow them to form social capital that they use when engaging the public. Owing to the power that celebrities have, they are able to publically tangle in hegemonic negotiations and struggles. Celebrities are constructions that are maintained through a combination of industry promotional activities and subordinates, such as people. In the absence of the two categories, celebrities cannot exist. The author proposes the need to investigate how celebrities influence audiences in creating meaning and understanding issues under discussion. In his observations Merkel (2013) claims that through their social status, politicians have found that star personalities are useful in creating a certain image on voters. The development explains the preference for such figures in political campaigns and other political activities. Van Krieken’s Celebrity Society Van Krieken (2012) has explored the celebrity society. According to van Krieken (2012), celebrity figures attract wide attention from the media (films, internet, books, magazines and television). The above author observes that the emergency of modernity is central to the rise of a new crop of star figures who are dominating social life. van Krieken (2012) also demonstrates that, as a culture, celebritism is beyond the Hollywood activities, given that it is a long-running historical process that started with art, theatre and print press. By looking outside the precincts of the existing accounts of the celebrity culture, van Krieken (2012) focused on the constantly changing social structures and practices. Further, van Krieken (2012) assesses moral grammar, political economy, legal order, and the construction of self-identity based on attention, recognition and distribution of visibility. The author explains that the contemporary celebrity culture is a product of the court society which emerged after the democratization of a number of functions that were carried out by the aristocracy/ruling class. Similarly, van Krieken (2012) observes that the ‘economics of attention’ has risen to play a significant role in the development of the celebrity society. Attention is proving to be critical and valuable in the current information/digital age. In the court society, social associations are structured on the lines of the princely or royal system that was dominant across Europe in the Middle Ages. The court society presented a form of social organization that placed some individuals on top of others. The emergency of alternative leadership to aristocracy placed an emphasis on hard work, rather than ascription. Despite all the attempts to bring rationality to social life, bourgeois which was the alternative leadership failed to accomplish the mission, as anticipated, given some form of irrationality remained as reflected in celebrity worship. With the advancement in information technology and the development in social media, a show-off culture has developed among people all over the world. In particular, the young generations have sunk into the habit of sharing their new possessions on platforms, such as Instagram. Star figures, on such avenues, enjoy massive following. As a result, it is easy to find celebrities positing their activities and items on the sites from time to time. Through acts of this nature, the culture of consumerism is supported and taken to a new level. Van Krieken (2012) argued that although the concept of culture has its virtues, it lacks adeptness unless given a particular and an unusual definition. The author cites the inability to capture aspects that go beyond values, attitudes, behavior, ways of life, and cognitive orientations in order to understand economic, social and political structures and institutional bases of experience, such as what emanates from the celebrity customs. Reasoning alongside celebrity lines tends to demonstrate that a given obsession about a select class of people in the society. Although acknowledging that celebrity is a politically institutionalized phenomenon, van Krieken (2012) argued that social structuring is also critical towards understanding the assigning, distribution and organization of the status. In essence, van Krieken (2012) sees the celebrity culture as an institutionalized social life. New Social Media and Celebrities Without a doubt, social media has emerged as a leading contributor to the glorification of the celebrity culture. The media uses its ability to set and dictate agendas to thrust celebrities into the public domain. As a result, it is not surprising that social media has radically brought the culture into focus. Despite a number of issues taking place at a time, stories on tabloids and magazines gravitate on celebrity life, as observed by North, Bland Ellis (2005). It is fascinating that instead of concentrating on issues affecting tangible issues, media outlets are attentive to the celebrity syndrome. However, celebrity coverage remains trivial, and it also lacks in substance. For example, informing society about the clothes that a musician adorns amounts to pure trivia. In the present times, the celebrity culture has become tied to the new social media. The relationship between the two parties is mutually beneficial and, sometimes, destructive. The celebrity culture is profoundly entrenched in the media, such that in the absence of the latter, the former ceases to exist. By running constant updates about celebrity persons, the media attracts many followers. In the current times, having a big numbers of flowers enhances the ability of an entity to secure sales and marketing contracts. As a result, a lot of followers are beneficial both to celebrities and social media, as the relationship between the parties helps in to generate revenue. Apart from benefits, such as those listed above, some downsides are witnessed as well. In particular, the media always keeps a close check on celebrity figures, such that the individuals in question lack the freedom to go about their daily lives without scrutiny. Moreover, the media seems to be more focused on negativ e stories than productive ones. The media does not worry about criticism, so longer is generates viewer or visitor traffic. Although almost all celebrities can thank the media for the role it plays in elevating them into stardom, such personalities can also raise their concerns about the role of such avenues in bringing them down. Figures, such as Michael Jackson and Britney Spears, are examples of the role of both the media in undermining artists. Taking Spears as an example, she was labeled a sensational figure but once her career nosedived, the same media began tearing her apart. In practice, it is commonly remarked that, â€Å"no publicity is bad publicity†. However, negative publicity is only productive if the star in question is viewed as a product. Thus, social media will carry stories to generate traffic on their sites. By sensationalizing stories, the media is able to create content and attract visitors with the intention of elevating its position as a largely visited site. The overall aim is to convince marketers that such a platform is the best tool to reach a high number of existing and potential customers. Such a culture perpetuates commercial imperialism because social media outlets do not pay attention to the feelings of the celebrities. On the contrary, generation of revenue is what matters for the media platforms. It appears that at the personal level, the relationship between the media and celebrities is not necessarily positive, although the association between the two in a commercial sense is largely satisfactorily. Religion and Celebrity The relationship between religion and celebrity culture emerges based on a number of observations. Citing Emily Durkheim, Marshall (2006) observed that religion’s power to unite a community was influential because it provided what he termed as collective effervescence (state of excitement). However, the role of religion dwindles as morality centered on individualism advances. The equilibrium principle sets into operation to counterbalance the changes in order to ensure stability when the place of religion comes under threat in societies. Accordingly, it is a rational development that a decline in the influence of religion results in a new development that is based on celebrity worship. As it was mentioned above, religion generates an effervescence feeling in people. Thus, in the face religion’s declining power, star performers in various fields rise to fill the void left. Academic studies have shown that celebrity culture is assuming the place of religion. Arguing based on research, Arnould and Thompson (2005) found that the DNA structuring of human beings predisposed them to be social beings. As pointed earlier, religion’s primary role is to provide leadership, an aspect that coincides with the human nature of following. Based on the above account, following star performers is a natural process for people, since celebrities are individuals who have excelled in different spheres of life. In the eyes of the audiences/followers, the artists who scale high levels of success in life are worthy emulating. This is the case because they are viewed as role models. Hence, it is arguable that celebrity worship is similar to religion because the two play the same function of providing leadership about life. Ideally, religion should provide leadership regarding what individuals are expected to do (McCutcheon, Scott, Arugate and Parker 2006). Conventionally, religion shaped people’s lives, given that it provided values and norms for people to abide by. Celebrity figures have also taken the role, since a big percentage of their followers focus on matching their lives. Thus, it is arguable that celebrity worship equates to religion. McCutcheon, Scott, Arugate and Parker (2006) observed that historically, societies always collected in crowds to follow those viewed as capable of leadership. As a result, celebrity worship has existed from ancient times, just as religion did. However, nowadays, the media has blown the issue out of proportion. Regardless of such variations, it is apparent that the culture of celebrity worship competes with that of religion, given that both attempt to provide guidelines on leading life. Evolutionary biology is also among the fields that assist in demonstrating the connection between celebrity culture and religion. Referring to evolutionary biology, McCutcheon, Scott, Arugate and Parker (2006) observed that human beings always aspire to emulate people who do excel in a given fields. Such a trend was present even during prehistoric times, as individuals who outperformed others earned respect. For instance, successful hunters were viewed as heroes. However, following the end of the significance of such practice, their prowess lost value. In the current times, people count on top performers whom they rank as role models. Fundamentally, its performance is a major factor in evaluating the contribution of people. In conclusion, it is held that religion and celebrity culture have many similarities, although the latter seems to be on an upward trend while the former is on a decline.